New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes


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Hi everyone!! I have a wonderful 7 month old little boy that I breastfed for the first 6 months. I’m pregnant with #2 right now so naturally my supply dried up and we had to switch him to formula and he has handled it great!! I’m just curious as to how you all handle frequent middle of the night wake ups / sleep regressions? The 4mo sleep regression almost killed everyone so we ended up cosleeping and little man was more than content to just nurse for a couple minutes and then be back out like a light. It’s obviously going to be different the next time we go through a phase like that. I hear that 8-10mo can be another huge and challenging time for sleep so I just want to try to prepare as best I can to make sure he’s supported when he goes through it!!
Right now he goes to sleep between 8-9pm, wakes for the day between 7-730am, and typically only wakes 1-2x per night for a bottle. Right now he takes about 35oz/day with each bottle being 5oz (4 during the day and then the 1 or 2 at night). He obviously won’t be hungry every time he wakes up during a sleep regression so just looking for any resettling tips you all have 🫶🏼
Also my husband and I do not wish to do any sort of sleep training, no shame to those that do it’s just not the path we’re choosing for our family!
@truthseekah I dry nursed throughout my pregnancies when I spaced them this close together. That was honestly the only thing that helped. My only other idea would be tag teaming and taking turns walking him around, which we have had to do when the issue isn’t hunger and more so comfort or rhythmic soothing sensation.
@wren84 I wouldn’t mind dry/comfort nursing at all except I have gotten a horrible aversion to it during the night 😭 my husband is an angel so taking turns shouldn’t be an issue either! Thank you!
@truthseekah There’s many ways of soothing a baby to sleep!
1. Nursing
  1. Patting
  2. Rocking/bouncing/any type of movement
  3. Singing
  4. Sucking (like on a paci)
Etc etc. I’d encourage you to try something lying down first, bc once your kids gets hooked on the rocking and bouncing you’re bound to get out of bed for every waking. Try with gentle shushing and patting first.

How is he falling asleep now, on the bottle? You can start adding the patting and shushing in now already so that he gets used to that as a sleep comfort as well. Look up habit stacking!
@enduring_until_the_end Yes right now he falls asleep at night on the bottle! I always nursed him to sleep so it was the smoothest transition for us. For naps he definitely likes to be bounced but he’s never required that for night time. He will occasionally resettle with his paci as well! I just know he’s on the higher side of formula oz per day so I didn’t know how to go about frequent wakes and snacking from the bottle, it’s definitely different than him snacking straight from the tap!
@truthseekah Yes no need to add more formula at night if he doesn’t need it! If you start adding the patting and shushing in now, he might be able to fall asleep with only patting/shushing in a few weeks time and you can use that for wakings.

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