New Nuna Aire RX scandal


New member
Hey everyone! I recently purchased the Nuna mixx next stroller, pipa rx and bassinet. I wanted the pipa lite rx but it has been discontinued.

I was very happy to hear that they were rereleasing it soon.

Instead they released the aire rx. Fine… cool. This is where it gets weird.

Everything to do with the existence of the lite rx has been removed online. All I can find is that it weighs 6.9 pounds without canopy or inserts but no info on how much the inserts weigh.

Nuna likes to give weights with no canopy and no inserts. This makes no sense as no one will use it this way. It would ONLY make sense if all canopy’s and inserts weighed exactly the same but this is not the case.

Nuna is claiming this as the lightest car seat they have and charging $150 more than the rx (or the same price as the lite rx)… and while technically this is true because they aren’t making the lite rx anymore, the lite rx was lighter than the aire and also had a no rethread harness which this aire rx does not.

Now for the weights from Nunas website … pipa rx is 7.6 pounds without canopy or inserts… those weigh 1 pound so total is 8.6 pounds.

Aire rx is 6.2 with 2.2 pounds of canopy and inserts totals is 8.4 pounds.

There is only a 0.2 pound difference which is negligible and they are charging $150 more.

Every single reviewer is saying the aire rx weighs 6.2 pounds as if they were instructed by Nuna to do so. No reviewer or Nuna will answer my question on how much the aire rx weighs with canopy and inserts vs the rx. They will only rehash that without canopy or inserts is what matters… which is useless.

Just a heads up that something is off here and until Nuna responds and clarifys that you should hold off purchasing the aire… or unless they discontinue the rx and only keep the aire FOR THE SAME PRICE as they are basically exactly the same besides a little upgraded fabric.

At this point Nuna has disappointed me as a company and I am contemplating returning the stroller, etc and going with orbit baby like I originally planned but not sure yet.

@iris15 I’m 10000% with you that the new Aire Rx is not worth $150 more than Pipa but I don’t get why this is scandalous?! Nuna website clearly lists the weights:
- Aire Rx: 6.2 lbs (without canopy and inserts - canopy and inserts approx. 2.2 lb)
- Pipa Rx: 7.6 lbs (without canopy and inserts - canopy and insert approx. 1 lb)

So yeah, you’re right no one would ever use the car seats without inserts so it is a bit deceptive to say Aire weighs only 6.2 but that’s just influencers being influencers and not reading actual info and details. At least Nuna itself is upfront and honest about it. Again, I am fully with you that $150 more for only 0.2 lbs less weight, magnetic buckles and losing no retread harness is not worth it at all (ah, almost forgot it now has Merino Wool!) but again this is how free market works! A company has 2 products at 2 different price points. If you don’t think the expensive product is worth it, go buy the cheaper one. If you think none of them are worth it or you don’t like the features take your money elsewhere and buy from another brand! And I’m saying all of this as someone who has been waiting for this Lite Rx replacement since November
@cdg41592 Thank you for this detailed explanation!

Can you explain what you mean by the no retread harness? So the aire doesn’t have a retread harness so when adjusting the harness we have to unhook it unlike the retread harness that is in the pipa which is adjustable when it is hooked?

Thank you!
@iris15 I always thought it was super dishonest of them to even list the weight of the thing without the canopy and inserts. I guess it’s eventually used without the insert, so maybe that’s okay, but no one is using this thing without the canopy. Come on.
@kbupdike Yeah and are you even using it very long without the insert? I mean I guess idk but yeah they should just have weights with and without insert then…
The only reason to weigh them without canopy and insert is if and only if all canopy’s and inserts weighed exactly the same but it’s still a dishonest approach and they know it as it seems they tell reviewers and the companies that sell their products to only list those specs. I can’t get anyone to weigh them for me and they just rehash the bs that stripping them down to their lightest form is what’s best 🙄 at that point why not remove the handle you could just carry it from the bottom don’t need the handle? lol ..
@iris15 My babies only fit with the insert for the first couple months. Then they use the car seat without one for over a year. The insert is actually pretty short lived so it makes sense to me to measure that way. But without the canopy? No, that's just nuts.
@iris15 I wouldn’t call it a scandal in any way because it’s a company revamping their product line. Unless I’m missing something, I’ve not heard of babies dying or anything scandalous because of their products.

However, I’m a little annoyed that it’s difficult to get the weights with the goddamn canopies. This isn’t hard, Nuna.

I’ll probably wait until there are floor models and just compare the models by picking them up. When I did that with the Lite and the RX (?) it was a big enough difference that I was happy to pay a bit more. Now I’m not sure there’s a big enough difference to pay $550. Then if it’s a choice between the $400 Pipa, I might as well just look at different brands and see if I like a Cybex or something since $400 will go a long way towards a super nice seat.
@grace_given17 I think it’s annoying they don’t store and provide important safety info on old products

I bought a bassinet for my mixx next secondhand and they claim they have no archive of old product manuals. So there’s no safety info or cleaning / assembling info

It’s really annoying and possibly unsafe
@grace_given17 Ok I mean if that’s your criteria for a scandal then I agree with you lol but they aren’t just revamping their product line the scandal part to me as thst nuna ignores everyone’s questions about this and even reviewers are spouting the same bs so they must be told to. A f charging $150 more for basically the same product and calling it your lightest car seat I still would call somewhat of a scandal for knowingly misleading customers that they know have been waiting for a lite rx replacement and pretending that this is one in order to charge a higher price.

If you are willing to pay higher prices definitely check out orbit baby. I love it but the finance didn’t like the look and Nunas fabrics are nicer even though the orbit baby stroller, car seat and bassinet was going to be about $2200 but if it was just my decision I’d get that.

Maybe with this new info she will want to switch the Nuna for the orbit baby 😂
@iris15 Thanks for the Orbit suggestion. I was really focused on buying the lightest seat in order to accommodate a disability, but the rotation might be another option. I don't care what the seat costs, but at the same time I don't see the point in frittering money away and the new Lite seat feels like a bit of a waste imo.

I wish Uppababy made more seats because their customer service has been incredible so far and they seem pretty transparent about product details.
@ytinifni132 That’s incredible! I feel like I made a wish and a fairy granted me an UB seat!

I had no idea they had just launched a new infant seat. It looks great, is light and priced well. We weren’t going to use the infant seat on the stroller, but it’s nice that we could do so easily on our Vista. At this point I’m not seeing many reasons to go with Nuna.

Thanks for the heads up!
@ytinifni132 Thank you for this. I just pre-ordered the Aria. I found more specifications from the Destination kids website:

UppaBaby ARIA Total True Weight: 6.9lbs (canopy + insert)Without Canopy & without insert: 5.9 lbsWith Canopy only: 6.4 lbsWith Canopy and back inlay: 6.7 lbs

Compared with Nuna Pipa Aire Rx which is 6.2lb without canopy and insert, and 8.4lb with canopy and inserts.

The Aria is lighter than the Aire Rx with everything included. and it is way cheaper, $350 for seat with base included.

I also find it strange that they have SUCH similar names - Aria vs. Aire and they released around the same time? lol
@lewis1994 How did you preorder? I only see a “notify when available” with the option to put in my email. Def want to jump on this incase they get back ordered
@iris15 Just wanted to say I checked out the orbit baby stroller at Nordstrom, they didn’t have the car seat to look at, just the stroller with stroller seat and it felt very heavy and is quite clunky folded. My partner and I didn’t like it after viewing in person and went back to liking the Nuna best.
@iris15 I think most people that buy Nuna buy it for the fabrics. I personally did research everywhere to find natural fabric car seats and strollers and only found two brands that don’t use synthetics. Nuna being the most adorable of the two with more options that fit my family’s needs. The pipa lite rx was 550$ it also has merino wool/Tencel inserts. There’s really not a huge difference between the aire and the pipa lite other than some upgrades to the products functions. They also upgraded the Demi stroller, making it the Demi next and adding merino wool fabrics to it along with other features that are quality of life that people had complained about the stroller previously not having.
I personally feel like while your 100% allowed to have your own opinion and idea on this, it isn’t a scandal and to call it so is a bit outrageous.