Nervous about this pregnancy :(


New member
Hi all, I am currently pregnant with my 7th pregnancy. I have had an abortion, 3 losses, and I have two living LO’s (4 and 6)

I found out I was pregnant on Feb 27th. I tested early and to my surprise, there was a line! I have taken about 50 tests since then LOL. Due to my history of loss, I am nervous about this pregnancy and not letting myself enjoy it. I want to, but the fear feels like it’s eating me alive, truly. We suffered our last loss late last August at 9 weeks. I am currently 5 +3, so very early. Last week, I had blood work done. At 4 weeks 5 days, my hCG was 683. Three days later at 5 weeks 1 day, it was 2230. It DID triple as needed, but I feel like those numbers are fairly low. I usually am much higher by this time. I know there’s no correlation from one pregnancy’s hCG levels to the next, and everyone is different - but do these numbers also seem lower to yall? I am freaking out. I have my first US on the 18th, so still over a week away.
@justmike1964 Those numbers seem good to me! I had mine taken at 4w2d and was at 482, and then 4w4d and it was 1192.
Your numbers seem pretty in line with mine, I just may have ovulated a day or 2 before you. But your increase looks great to me!
@bearring Thank you for your response. You are right, the increase does look good. I think I’m just trying to talk myself out of being even a little excited. I want this to be our lucky #7 so badly.
@justmike1964 I totally understand that. We had 2 losses last year and I haven’t allowed myself to be excited either. It’s really upsetting. I’d love to be excited and tell people and feel so happy/positive, but I just don’t. Because I’ve been let down in the past when I did that. So you’re not alone and those feelings are valid. Hopefully after we have our scans, we can both feel excited finally ❤️
@justmike1964 So glad to hear!! How did you find out about your loss after a heartbeat? On a future scan? I ask because my mmc was a loss at the first ultrasound. So I’m very nervous for Monday :/
@bearring I had a hemorrhage. Due to bleeding very early I had ultrasounds starting at 4 weeks (can’t really see much at all at 4 weeks but they wanted to make sure things were progressing properly) I saw a heartbeat at 6 and 7 weeks, then at 9 weeks exactly I found out the heartbeat had stopped and growth was measuring a few days behind, so it happened a few days prior to my ultrasound
@justmike1964 Your numbers look perfect!

Mine were extremely low this pregnancy and doubled slowly. I’m still cautious about miscarriage (7+4 now) but I’ll share if it will make you feel better: 4 weeks - 54; 4 weeks 5 days - 205; 5 weeks - 366; 5 weeks 2 days - 587

I already have a 5 yo, but I didn’t test HCG with her so I don’t know what’s “normal” for me. I know HCG depends on the embryo more than the mother though.