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I am starting to receive bills from the hospital for my baby’s birth and associated appointments while in L&D. My baby was born vaginally at 38 weeks with no other complications.

I have received claims for 3 neonatologist visits while in the hospital for 36 hours post labor. Each visit is between $1000- $3,000 before insurance. Is this normal? Did anyone else experience this level of pediatric specialization at their child’s unremarkable birth?
@charissev Did your baby have any jaundice? Mine had a positive Coombs test, so she was seen by a neonatologist our whole stay (but never had to go to the NICU).
@charissev At my hospital all of the checks on baby were done by neonatologists, like that’s who was on staff for rounds rather than general pediatricians. Might have been the case at yours as well.