Needed opinions!


New member
Hey y’all! my husband (30M, 6’1” 250lbs) and I(27F, 5’6”, 320lbs) have been TTC for 2.5 years. We have been diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” just 3 weeks ago. We’re both very healthy on paper. No where near diabetic, no high cholesterol or BP, just not thin. Very active, work out. I’ve always had trouble losing weight.

I do not have insulin resistance or PCOS but my cycles are very irregular. My fertility doctors put me on METFORMIN 6 weeks ago to “aide with weight loss”
and also ovasitol.

I only lost 5 initial pounds and they will not do any treatment for infertility until I get down to 300lbs.

Did anyone else have any experience like this or any advice on weight loss when your body just DOESNT want to lose it?!

@willy17 I don’t have PCOS either, but my cycles were regular. I had struggled with weight loss for years, but what worked for me, and what I ultimately think helped conceive was a higher protein diet. I wasn’t doing keto, I was just prioritising protein.

I used the 30 - 30 - 30 rule. 30g of protein, and 30 mins of low intensity exercise (strength training for me) within 30 mins of waking up. Obviously it was not exactly 30 every time but was roughly that.

I didn’t calorie count. I didn’t restrict anything. I was just sensible about choices. I did also have to tackle my binge eating disorder. And I aimed at just having 3 meals a day and 3 snacks. Again prioritising healthy ish meals.
@taskid2 This basically echos having gestational diabetes, though obviously one has to keep a closer eye on every meal or snack. And some people ultimately lose weight on that diet.
@willy17 Hi! I have PCOS, struggled with infertility, and was on metformin for years, but I didn't lose a pound. However, when I did add ovasitol to my regime, I got pregnant naturally pretty quickly. While pregnant, I've been on insulin for GD, which was diagnosed at 10 weeks and have actually lost 30 lbs through the pregnancy. I have gained some weight back as my baby has grown (currently 37 weeks), but I'm still under where I started.
@willy17 I also have PCOS. Before I got pregnant I added Ovasitol but it was a knock off brand that was cheaper and I also took berberine. I think what helped the most was I started intermittent fasting. I lost almost 30lbs in a few months doing that but then I got pregnant and stopped. I also aimed for 30 minutes of exercise a day and just tried to eat okay in general like I didn’t cut out everything bad but tried to limit fast food/fried foods and sweets for the weekends.

Now I’m breastfeeding so I don’t want to change up my diet or take any supplements other than my vitamins but once I’m done with this I plan to go back to that as it seemed to be the only thing that has ever helped me loose weight.
@willy17 Have you gotten your thyroid levels checked? Issues with thyroid can explain everything you have going on and the infertility (it makes you ovulate later, is my understanding. I’m still figuring it out myself)