Need some encouragement and support..


New member
Last week I stoped powerlifting at 37 weeks... Just because it became so taxing and so difficult to move I got fed up... Now I want to move for 30-40 minutes - yoga and walk 10 K a day that's it... So far none of this happened... Just don't feel motivated.

I need a routine to actually do all of it...

Feel bad for not doing it even though I know that I shouldn't, it's just difficult to change my mindset...

I want to take it easy and I have been but on the other side I don't want to take it easy...

Anyone out there feeling the same? Being a real human size potatoe with no motivation and a bit of guilt?
@kassandra Im only 17 weeks but I can totally relate. I have had to accept that ad long as I do something each day that it is enough. Usually that something turns into more once I get started.
@deamy I am having such a hard time getting up, rolling out the sofa!! (The only comfortable bed for me :D) I did it now in my "working" hours I was such an active bunny!!!
@kassandra Enjoy some rest while you still can! I powerlifted for my entire last pregnancy, but it was only 37 weeks. You've already put in the work. It's not going anywhere if you need to rest for the final stretch.
@piercetheclouds1844 Thank you my sweet... It's just hard to accept that I need to stop. Doing little things today actually made me feel a bit better. My final straw was when I struggled to come off the inclined bench...
@kassandra Human sized potato resonates so strongly with me! I hit 37 weeks Saturday and have noticed a huge decline this last week. Yoga and dance have always been my main movement practices and it’s been so hard to do much of anything the last few days. Guilt absolutely sets in, especially considering my body feels so much more achey when I’m not moving as much. But I’m. So. Tired.

Creating a YouTube folder with some videos to have on the ready helps, so many prenatal yoga and fitness classes. Having a music playlist to move to helps(just dancing around the house feels so good in my hips and core, highly recommend for the pregnant body). I have been doing the Miles Circuit the past few days as my primary movement and it’s been feeling like a win, especially over stagnancy. Hang in there mama! We have come so far and are soooo close!! ❤️