Need advice fast

So me and my gf have always done it with a condom but recently she missed her period. She took 4 tests and they all came up negative. It’s been 17 days since she’s missed her period and she took one on the 16th day. She opened up the electronic test and saw a faint second line. Idk if it’s a faint positive or what I really don’t know. What do y’all think? She’s getting her bloodwork done now but h e anticipation is killing me. She’s on medication that will definitely result in a miscarriage and she also used to have a thyroid problem which could have fucked with her hormones. What do y’all think?
@deadmanwalking01 I do not believe there are any medications that 100% guarantee/cause a miscarriage outside of those specifically used for that purpose. However, yes, certain medications do cause a higher risk than others. Regarding her thyroid, I have Hashimoto’s and am almost 6 months along. In most cases long as you’re on medication to manage it and it’s monitored you won’t have an issue, however, having a thyroid issue doesn’t automatically mean you’ll miscarry either.

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