Name help for baby #2


New member
My first name begins with “A”, husband’s name begins with “B” and our first son is Caleb- so we are ABC and we thought that was fun when we named our first son! It’s suuuuper early in my pregnancy but it took us a lottt of time and stress to name our first, so I want to get an early jump on it.

My question is- should we try and stick with the alphabet theme? We plan for this to be our last child and we will stop after this one is born. Would you go with a “D” name? Another “C” name? Or something entirely different because it doesn’t really matter and no one will notice a theme anyway?? I haven’t come across many D names that I like. But open to suggestions! We don’t know whether this baby is a boy or girl yet.

Some D names I’ve heard am interested in but not sure I love: Dahlia for a girl (my grandma was named Dolly so I like the potential nn option to honor her), and Dean, Dashiell nn Dash (just heard this one for the first time earlier this morning and curious to hear opinions on it), or Declan for a boy. Not sure I love anything but willing to sit with them to see if they grow on me.

I really like soft sounding names, and elegant names leaning pretty feminine for girls. Other names that I or my husband, or both of us like: girls- Evangeline, Amelie, Leonora (nn Leni), Camille or Millie, Savannah…. And for boys- Reid, Owen, Ledger, Evan or Evander, Wesley, Theo. Our last name is a two syllable name ending beginning with B and ending with a “ee” sound.

Opinions on whether we should stick with a C or D name? Opinions on current list or any suggestions for other names that might fit our preferences? Thank you for any input!!
@lucylove I think a D name would be cute but it’s no big deal if you go another direction!

Dashiell “Dash” and Dahlia “Dolly” are both really cute! I also like

Daphne, Delia, Delphine, Darcy, Davina, Desirae

Dylan, Dalton, Dorian, Devin, Del, Dante, Deangelo
@lucylove ABCD is really cute and I like that. I love the name Declan. Some other boys names starting with D that I like are

Denver (boy or girl)









And some D girl names i like are






@lucylove I would do the D name just because it’s fun! I personally like Devon for a girl but there’s also Daisy, Dorthy, and Deirdra. For a boy I think of Derek, Dallas, and Denver.