My toddler is sick and now I’m scared my 7 week old will get it :(


New member
My 2.5 year old woke up from her nap a few hours ago and said she felt so cold. I felt her and she was very warm. She had a fever of 103 (it’s down now after some Tylenol) and she’s in better spirits now that it’s kicked in, but was saying her tummy hurt for a while and I thought she was going to throw up because of that, but she hasn’t.

Anyway… I also have a 7 week old (7 weeks today) little girl and now I’m scared she’s going to get whatever my toddler has :(
@judodude It’s so stressful. Hopefully you and your babe stay healthy. Are you breastfeeding? I got some relief knowing I was getting some antibodies into my baby that way (don’t feel guilty if you’re not though, just sharing my experience). Nonetheless my second kid definitely got sick younger and more often than my first did but fortunately it wasn’t ever anything serious and he always recovered quickly. They’re troopers!
@judodude Just went through RSV my toddler brought home from daycare two weeks ago with a 5 week old. It's super nerve wracking with a small baby. We did our have one parent per child and Todo crazy hand washing and change clothes before interacting with the baby.