My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

@luvgodforever It's really like a micro-aggression but I can't put my finger on the exact words I'm looking for? It's like if someone said my name is Victor and please don't call me Vic and you continue to use Vic to upset them. It's not meant to LOOK like it does harm, but it does. It's meant to demean you. I hope you make him sit through a 8 hour HR video on something to educate him.
@luvgodforever Make him uncomfortable and say “I’m pumping breastmilk, Thad.”

When I was pumping and in the office one of my male coworkers asked me what was for lunch one day since my “lunchbox” was “so big” and I didn’t even mean to make him uncomfortable but I was like “oh, uh, it’s breastmilk.” Stopped him in his tracks. Lol
Love this, I def recommend talking to Thad about breastmilk too. Give him more details if he keeps it up. Enlighten him.
@katrina2017 Idk why but the image of OP with her backpack in her business casual dress walking through some corporate office stopping dead in her tracks by Thad’s dumb question, rolling her eyes ever so slightly as she turns to his open office door and then just completely DEADPAN saying “I’m pumping breast milk, Thad” …. And then just standing there for a moment until he responds ….. I’m dead. This one cracked me up the most and I don’t know why.

@katrina2017 We have a mini fridge in our pumping room at work, OBVIOUSLY meant for breast milk and pump parts (there are two large refrigerators in the kitchen). And yet still, someone started putting their food in it one day, so I sent out a company-wide chat and used the word “breast” as many times as possible. Never happened again. Discomfort and public shaming are highly underutilized motivational tools.
@manyan Oh my god, our pumping room was a “wellness lounge” or some BS and they even put a cot in it. Some dude started taking daily naps in there and locking the door for an hour at a time, and he was too lazy to fold the cot in half and put it away, so I’d have to squeeze in the door and then out the stupid cot away before I could pump. He also left food wrappers in there on the counter that I’d have to clean up. I did mention it to someone and encouraged them to set up a booking system for the room so it would stop - never happened.
@katrina2017 Honestly I think men are clueless most of the time. Unless they’ve had experience with someone in their life who has needed to pump, I doubt they know what those huge backpacks are for or even that a woman may even need to pump during the work day in order to keep that milk supply going. My husband sure didn’t know any of this until I had to do it.
@luvgodforever You’re much more patient than I am. After the second or third day I would start obnoxiously updating him on where I’m going every time I passed him. “Hey, I forgot something in my car. Just wanted to let you I know I’m not leaving. Hey, I have to go to the bathroom. Hey, I’m putting this envelope in the mailbox.”