My 9 1/2 month old doesn’t want breastmilk anymore. Help?

Hey everyone
Is it okay if at 9 and a half months my son doesn’t want breast milk during the day? Only at night?

I work so I pump and his dad usually bottle feeds him but recently within the last 3 weeks he’s stopped.

He will eat solids and drink water from the same bottle but not the breast milk.
I leave at 7:30 am and get back at 6pm and only when I get back home he breastfeeds.

However on a weekend he would breast feed during the day once I’m home.

I’m feeling like crap about this because I don’t know if my working is now robbing him of the nutrients he’d get if he still needs breast milk.
@instaprayjennifer My baby stopped wanting to nurse during the day at 10 mos. she flat out refused after her 2 naps, cried, pushed me away. She’s 1 now. I think it’s normal. They self wean, some earlier than others.
We started nursing after waking up and before bed since then, so past 2 months.
She’s even starting to get bored of these 2 sessions and is spending less time on boob.
I didn’t pump or anything during the day when she quit.
I did take lecithin a few days a week when my boobs felt full because i am prone to clogged ducts. But I refuse to pump lol

Don’t feel bad. This is normal.
@jna335 I going through a myriad of emotions. I have a stash of milk on the freezer but in my head I’m like okay if I stop pumping then what’s my purpose 🤦🏽‍♀️
Like my entire day was consumed with watching the time to ensure I pump on time.
He’s closer to my husband because I work and my husband gets to be at home with him. So if he doesn’t want my breast milk then what now?
It’s really stupid but I can’t stop feeling like that
@instaprayjennifer I know. The emotions are crazy. Hormones are weird too, since we weaned during the day, I had some weird hormonal issues come up. Postpartum is such a crazy ride.
Try not to think this way. You are not just your milk! You are baby’s mom and caregiver and so much more
@instaprayjennifer Mine did this too but with formula. Once he was mobile he was way too interested in playing to be bothered to drink his bottle. We were feeding him at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm w/ a nap @ 9:30am and 1pm. Sometimes he’d only drink like 3oz of the 8oz bottle, even though he used to suck them dry.

Anyways, we found out accidentally that the problem was we were offering the bottle at times when he didn’t actually want it! He drinks WAY more if we offer it before his two naps so like 9:30am (nap 10-12) & 2pm (nap 2:30-4:30) and then just whenever he “asks for it” (aka is uncontrollably fussy) throughout the day. I’m way less concerned about him not getting enough nutrition now!!

Hope this helps!
@instaprayjennifer Of course!! Hope it helps at least some!

Also, oddly enough my baby is the least hungry when he wakes up in the morning?? He used to act like he was starving to death in the mornings but now he could wake up and go like 3 hours before asking for a bottle! I guess I’m learning to expect the unexpected lol