My 4.5 year old likely has ADHD and falls asleep at 11pm. Any advice?


New member
Posting in the toddlers sub b/c my daughter has been an inconsistent sleeper since I can remember. She's almost 4 1/2 now and she can't naturally fall asleep before 11 PM. She has undiagnosed ADHD (it runs in the family - my husband and I have been diagnosed, and her older sister has it also).

Her brain just doesn't know how to calm itself down. She's figured out how to open every type of bedroom lock that we’ve tried, and when we leave her alone in her room, she finds ways to do all kinds of mischievous things like sneak into the hallway and open all the Band-Aids, or pour hair products into bowls in her play kitchen, or cutting off her dolls hair.

Taking her to the playground beforehand, long walks, jumping on the trampoline - (anything that should tire her out) only seems to give her more energy. Rain sounds, white noise, and a dark room don’t seem to help either. She is always so tired in the morning of course because she doesn't get an adequate amount of time to sleep. Even if I lay with her at 8 o'clock, It takes the next 3 to 4 hours to put her to sleep.

Her pediatrician has advised us against melatonin because she wants her to learn to fall asleep naturally, but I've given it to her before, and it is slightly helpful. I don't want to use it consistently if it’s not beneficial to her health. I have also discovered that my daughter is a sensory seeker and probably needs to regulate herself before going to bed. I'm working on strategies for that now. Any other ideas for getting my daughter to bed at a more decent hour? I'm sure she's overtired, but when she has fallen asleep by mistake at 6-7 p.m., she wakes up at midnight.

This is honestly causing a huge issue in my marriage since my husband and I would like to get time to ourselves after the kids go to sleep, but there is virtually no time left after they pass out. Thanks for reading.
@parmallia I would seek out a different pediatrician and see what they say. There's no reason why she can't be on some kind of medication or supplements to help her. Lack of sleep catches up to them and makes things worse. I hope a different doctor can give you some solutions.
@parmallia This is also my child. We never let her fall asleep alone so she didn't get into mischief but we would end up sitting in her room for hours while she literally spun around in bed and was practically buzzing with energy.

She is also suspected ADHD but I pushed for years for a sleep study. We finally had one and she was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. Her tonsils and adenoids were removed and we are finally seeing better results in her sleep.

She sees a sleep specialist at one of the country's best children's hospital who has told us ABSOLUTELY give her melatonin. We gave it to her for at least 6 months at low doses (either .25 or .5mg). Your child NEEDS sleep.

Find a new doctor, get a sleep study, see a sleep specialist.
@whothat This gives me hope! We actually did a sleep study a few weeks ago, but my daughter wouldn't allow them to place the tube in her nose. So I'm not sure how effective the results will be. My oldest daughter also had her adenoids removed at age 3, so I think this will be the case with my youngest as well.

And you're right. It's time to get a second opinion from a new doctor. Thanks!
@parmallia Our sleep study was the worst night of my life! My daughter didn't allow them to put all her sensors on and tore off a bunch in the night. Hopefully you can get at least some good info out of it though. Fingers crossed!
@whothat OMG, same! I was a total nightmare. There has to be a better way to keep sensors on a small child. The sensor on her finger came off a few times and the nurse kept coming in and telling my FOUR year old that she had to be careful and sleep if she could process those types of instructions while she was asleep. She can barely do it while she's awake. Ugh. Thanks again!
@parmallia Honestly, I’d get a second opinion on the melatonin. You can even ask a pharmacist if seeing a second doctor is not feasible. I feel like they need to properly weigh the pros and cons with these things.
@parmallia I'd get another opinion on melatonin. It sounds like the benefits far outweigh the potential negative side effects. Getting good sleep is so instrumental to healthy brain development, and you getting good sleep is important to your own health too.

I also have ADHD and have been using melatonin on and off since I was 8. I go through phases where my brain won't shut off and needs help, and other times of my life I've peacefully drifted off to sleep on my own.
Thank you all so much for your input. The lab tech just called and said that my daughter has moderate sleep apnea. We are going to have a more in-depth chat with the doctor next week. Hopefully this process gets us to a solution that gets my daughter some real rest!

By the way, I've been giving her melatonin and she is falling asleep a little quicker. But she woke up at 2 am twice in the last week, and it takes her a few hours to go back to sleep. 🫤

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