My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

@amourlondon The US doesn’t vaccinate against meningococcal meningitis until 11 years old. We do vaccinate agains pneumococcal infections with PCV13 which is a common cause of meningitis in infants.
@amourlondon In Australia you can’t get them vaccinated for ACWY until 12 months, and the men-B vaccine is really expensive. Just be mindful not every country has the same schedule as yours
@casazzamj It can cost up to $700 for a course of it in Australia. I paid for it, but for some people the cost is going to be prohibitive. The ACWY is not given to infants in Australia under 1 year old.
@lookintochat That’s ridiculous! I live in the Middle East - I’ve paid for it here and in the UK. It was absolutely nowhere near that amount.

Also ACWY isn’t given to infants in the UK/UAE either but it is safe for them, which is why I went private.
@melloi I don’t think the meningitis vaccine is given until you are older, like 11-12 and then a booster when they are a older teen.. could totally be wrong but that’s what I think I remember from my oldest kiddo. She is 18 and I think she got the booster last year.
@amourlondon I wasn’t thinking of the pneumococcal vaccine.. kind of forgot it was a thing for a moment. There is a meningitis vaccine that is given at around 11 and then a booster later.
@amourlondon Here in Canada, it is recommended starting at 2M old according to my Vaccination records. My son is about to have it next week at 7M old. My doctor explained to me that it’s a new one in Canada but not included in the free provincial healthcare we get, however my insurance is covering it therefore he will be getting it. This thread only confirmed to me this is the right thing to do (not that I was contemplating anyway)
@horsebiscuit This is absolutely breathtaking how strong your intuition must have been in that moment. I am glad you took your gut feeling seriously. Maybe i did always feel like this would one day happen. Its the main thing i always check for when they have a high fever.
@horsebiscuit This gave me goosebumps. That is wild, and amazing. I hope your kid is well now.

I was paranoid about food allergies. I was convinced my son would have one. When he was eight months old he vomited after eating egg and it turned into anaphylaxis. I KNEW after he ate the egg that he was allergic. I just knew. He had a tiny red patch in the corner of his mouth. I remember it like it was yesterday.
@misslindabeaz I’m sorry, that’s so scary! I had meningococcal meningitis as a kid, I was 4 or 5? Glad you caught it when you did. Ever since I had it my mother is always anxious if I’m sick. Even as an adult.
@james5960 I put up some additional info on the spots underneath my original post. HiB is a different bacteria that can also cause meningitis and sepsis. Meningococcal bacteria is the one they found in my son. That also causes meningitis and sepsis. Therefore the symptoms can align with those for HiB.
@misslindabeaz My son had meningitis at 4. It was terrifying, and I was sent home from the doctor multiple times and told I was overreacting, it was just a bad cold, until he started seizing in the ER. You are such a fantastic mother for educating yourself and acting quickly to help your child. Your anxiety didn’t make this happen, but it could have very well saved your child’s life and prevented long term repercussions. Therapy might be a really helpful thing for you once you are on the other side of this- it’s good to be vigilant but if your anxiety becomes more pronounced and affects your life (which could happen to anyone after a situation like this) professional help will make a huge difference in you and your child’a quality of life.