My 1 y/o is in the hospital with meningitis

@misslindabeaz I had a similar horrendous all encompassing fear about one of my children. It didn’t present in my first, but it DID present in my second.

You could say you called it into existence OR you could say your intuition/a higher power/ divine intervention etc gave you the fear so that you WOULD know how to handle it eventually. It’s like something in you knew this was coming and you prepped for it, every single time.

And now look, you took awesome care of your baby.
@deborahl5255 A high fever. He was diagnosed with an ear infection on Tuesday, and was acting as normal as possible with that (he never cried when sick, just got fevers). The next day he became lethargic, literally sleeping all day and continued to have a high fever. I believe at this point it had become meningitis, but it wasn't diagnosed until Friday.
@bejoyful1980 Hi,

If you don’t mind me asking, do normal fevers develop into meningitis ? I didn’t think that was possible.

And doesn’t the vaccine protect against meningitis?

I am getting so nervous reading all these comments because I was like this for my first kid and then convinced myself that I was one paranoid and anxious mama and tried to relax when my second was born. When they get fevers, I wait for a day and then if it doesn’t come down will call the doctor. I think it’s best to be paranoid and keep checking than to miss things.
@missbeth They seemed to think this was unusual. Meningitis is not caused by the fever, but is merely a symptom of it. The bacteria that caused the ear infection was able to cross the blood brain barrier, causing meningitis. No vaccine, which protects against viruses, could prevent this from happening.

I am super paranoid about fevers now, as well. I wish I could help assuage your fears, but I do know that logically a fever is probably not indicative of anything serious. But, since I'm not a medical professional I tend to run to the dr.
@misslindabeaz I just want to give you a gold star, Mama! ⭐
You trusted your instincts and got LO the care he needed quickly. I am sure you improved his outcome by taking him in when you did.
@misslindabeaz My son had viral meningitis at 2 weeks old, but it took 2 days of cultures and blood tests to determine whether it was viral or bacterial. Those were the longest 2 days of my life.

It’s great his fever is going down! I hope you have answers soon!
@misslindabeaz Maybe it's not so much that your worrying somehow attracted them to get this somehow. But that you were drawn to researching this and having it br a fear of yours because somehow this being on your mind would save your child one day from something already in the cards. Time isn't linear. Maybe some part knew.

At least, I think you were briefly touching on of attraction type thinking in your post. And that's another way to look at it.
@misslindabeaz Hugs, mama! I cannot imagine how scary this ordeal has been for you and your sweet baby--and can I get a HELL YEAH for you listening to your parents' intuition?? Bless you for listening to your gut and keeping your baby safe.
@misslindabeaz Oh god that’s so scary, Sending hugs from a fellow anxious and “over” paranoid mom ❤️‍🩹 I’m the exact same way I always fear the worse and I get told a lot that I’m too paranoid and Google too much, but this makes me feel better (obviously not because your poor baby is sick) but because it shows that it can be a good thing to be so cautious, I’m very glad you were on your toes and caught it quickly, but I’m so sorry you were right in this case. Sending all the positive thoughts for your little one, I pray he gets well soon😣🫂
Also thank you for sharing I didn’t know this was a thing to look out for.
@misslindabeaz I had meningitis at 18months! I'm deaf af now but otherwise "normal". Hooray for parental intuition, the doctors told my mom I just had the flu but she kept pushing. Every single time my kids have a fever, I'm watching their balance, neck, and rash presentation.
@melloi Yes, babies are supposed to get their first dose at 8 weeks, second at 17 months (?) and booster at 1 year.

Vaccines are the most valuable thing we have to protect our children from transmittable diseases/viruses.

Science almost always wins.