Multilingual for a shy child?


New member
My 4 year old knows 4 languages, 3 fluently. One of the three (Language A) is the language spoken at preschool and by his peers. However, he's generally a shy child and hesitant to communicate with his teachers and classmates. So despite understanding Language A very well and possessing a wide vocabulary, his ability to speak A is very limited.

Of the other two languages he knows well, I'm the main person he interacts with in B. I'm also the ONLY source of interaction in his 4th language D, and there are no other speakers where we live or even in our family.

My dilemma: I primarily speak to my son in B and D. Should I speak to him more in A? The preschool encourages it as they want to boost his communication skills.

Question: did any of you switch to the school/community language at home in order to help a child boost their social skills? What was the outcome?

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