mucusy baby


New member
help!! im a FTM to an almost 3.5 week old, and he is just SO mucus-y. our ped said to give him saline drops and use the blue balloon dropper thing to suck mucus out of his nose, but it doesn’t sit much it his nose!!! occasionally we will get like a bigger booger out that i can use a q-tip on the edge of his nose to pull out, but it doesn’t really do anything for the mucus that sits in his throat. he coughs and tries to clear his airway a lot, and i just feel so horrible i don’t know what to do. sometimes i give him saline drops before a feed because he’ll usually throw up some mucus that way, and then he sleeps better/longer because his throat is clear for awhile. should i use JUST saline drops more frequently? i’m just afraid he’ll be throwing up more because he obviously hates the taste and makes it known lol. i mean my poor bb is choking on mucus sometimes. i suck a lot out of his mouth after a feed/especially after he throws it up but other than that we don’t know what to do. i’m going back to our ped on tuesday but i’ve brought it up twice and they just kind of shrug their shoulders and say some babies are just mucusy. but it’s definitely preventing him from sleeping, and causing a lot more coughing/choking than normal. just wondering if anyone had any solutions or tips to give!! ☹️
@sadiegrace Sounds like it might be reflux. My baby has silent reflux (doesn’t spit up, just bubbles at the mouth) and can get very congested, especially in the throat rather than the nose. I was told it’s the body’s way of protecting against the acid.

Saline spray works well for us. We only use a nose frida if we can see boogers. Use a humidifier. More reflux specific - we keep upright after feeds for ~20 minutes and with ped’s approval SLIGHTLY raised the head of the crib.