Mountain Valley Spring Water for bottles


New member

Does anybody use MVSU?

My husband only wants us to use MVSW for our daughters bottles, and we've been using it for the past 5 or so months, my daughter will be 7 months next week.

I didn't put much thought into it or research because I thought spring water from glass bottles would be great. However, Bobbie just posted that distilled water should be used for bottles and then I got to researching and almost everything I read says that spring water is not the best or it's not recommended.

There's no sodium or sulphates.

From MSVW:

"Our water is sodium-free with a naturally detoxifying pH and rich blend of calcium, magnesium and potassium."

My baby looks great. Skin's healthy but she does have frequent poops a day at least twice a day and is fussy most of the time. I thought it was just a personality and wanted to constantly be on the go but now I'm starting to think maybe it is the formula with the spring water.

Please don't tell me tap is best... I get and I am aware of this but my husband is adamant on spring water.
@wiscmichalt Personally id just tell my husband the spring water is bad and use tap from our fridge 😅

you won’t really know if that is impacting baby unless you change water. Would husband be open to using distilled, why does he want to use spring water?
@messerve In his mind, spring water from glass is the best water and there's no convincing him otherwise.

I secretly changed her water source to distilled to see if there were any changes to her temperament and today she was great. I'll tell him in a few days.
@wiscmichalt We have used it with our twins since birth
.....same thing didn't realize you were not supposed to until I was searching around today. And with the amount of nano plastics your husbands on the right path trying to stay glass....we are too. Mine are 8 months and super healthy. From what I have read it's a mineral overdose to be concerned about....about to go check the added minerals in my formula as I use an organic one so not sure now much of what is added that would also be in the water. And plan to talk to Dr about it at our upcoming visit.
@kalohe1340 We use Bobbie Organic Gentle. I can say since this post we switched to distilled and she has been much better throughout the day, way less fussy and can sit still. We did compromise and agreed that we will continue to offer her mineral water to drink and for me to cook with, just not when mixed with formula.

My husband ordered a 5 gallon glass distilled to be used for formula. We only offer one to two formula bottles per day so this should last us a while.