Mountain biking + jumps/drops in early pregnancy


New member
Hi! About two days before I found out I was pregnant last week (I'm currently only 4 + 4 so super early) I signed up for a one-day mountain bike clinic focusing on jumps and drops. All of the riding will be in the bike park. It's next Friday, when I'll be only 5 weeks and a few days. I would consider myself an intermediate-sh trail mountain biker but I don't have a lot of experience with big jumps or drops. I know the embryo is incredibly tiny right now so I'm not worried about hurting it, but I am trying to decide if I should postpone doing this until after pregnancy due to the risk of injury for me (i.e. needing an X-ray, being injured while pregnant). What would y'all do?
@1way7 Im an intermediate/advanced mountain biker and I have still been riding pretty regularly in my first trimester/early second but stick to the easy, flowy trails that I feel super confident on, and skipping the more technical trails that I used to ride pre-pregnancy. I took a jumps/drops clinic last year before I was pregnant and I wouldn’t feel comfortable having done the clinic pregnant. When practicing drops especially it was pretty easy to get a little banged up, nothing major but it wasn’t uncommon to have my handlebars hit my abdomen area if I didn’t have my body position/ braking correct. I’d probably just be too nervous/cautious to get the full value out of the clinic. You’d probably have more fun when you can just send stuff without worry.
@brainnetenthusiast That's super helpful feedback--thank you. Yeah I've been getting into much more technical stuff recently and I think I need to realize that pregnancy isn't the best time to try to advance my skills. I will look forward to sending it postpartum!
@1way7 Yes, sadly pregnancy is not the time to advance skills! My doc told me I could continue to bike as long as I stayed on terrain well under my skill level where I wouldn’t fall. Mountain biking is so fun but is high risk and I miss working on progressing to more technical terrain but have to reframe it as I’m just happy to be still getting out and staying active. You can work on new skills postpartum!
@brainnetenthusiast Whewww! Me too! My midwife told me I could keep riding…however I didn’t tell her how hard I ride 🤣 I ride DH primarily and I went a couple of times this summer, around 24 weeks.

It was hard for me to slow down and not respond to the adrenaline pumping through my body. Soooo I decided to stop. I’ve come this far with a healthy pregnancy, I’d feel like such a POS if I caused any harm to my baby.

However, I absolutely KNOW she could feel me just VIBING on those days riding Trestle! Every time I’d be on the lift, she’d be moving and grooving and kicking like she was so stoked. I absolutely LOVED it 🥰🥰🥰
@1way7 My obgyn said not to do activities where I could fall. I do pole dance, so for me that meant no trying new tricks on the middle or top of the pole and making sure I had a spotter. Skiing is not recommended for the same reason—high risk of falling. I’d skip this workshop. You’re most likely to have a miscarriage during the first trimester.
@1way7 Oooo this is so hard to pass up. As a very avid mtb/DH rider…I feel your pain! Nothing could go wrong but also anything could go wrong.

Are you in CO by chance? Is this the clinic at WP?
@1way7 I found out I was pregnant the week before we were scheduled to travel to Aruba, and one of our excursions was a 3 hour mountain bike tour. I had been so excited and did not want to cancel. My doctor basically said I could do it but that I had to be extra cautious. We were able to drop down to an easier course, and whenever I was in doubt, I just got off the bike and walked it. Is there an easier option you could do? Or is there a way to maybe skip some of the jumps that you are really unsure about?