Mom, trying to wean 18month old


New member
So last night as my son was losing his
C-R-A-P I had a thought. ( side note: I am pregnant so I am almost dried up. ) what if I could use a fake boob as a pacifier ? My son doesn’t like pacifiers or bottles really. And all the pacifiers that are “ breast like or just like mom” are all crap! My boob has never looked or been that shape. How come we don’t have ACTUAL BOOB SHAPED THINGS ? I’m 5 seconds away from buying a fake pair of breasts online 😩 * not really thou because of safety.
How do I cut him off without having painful heartbreaking crying at night?

End rant
@alabama54 I also did the don't deny, but don't offer method. We gradually dropped sessions until it was just bedtime nursing left. I tried to have my husband do the bedtime routine, but my 20 old and I missed each other. Do one night we just didn't sit in the chair and rock; we read on the floor instead. We still got our snuggle time, just no boobies.
@fitnessfreak158 What is this don’t offer method you speak of. I’ve never offered boob, he’s always asked 😂 but I can see how offering quality time might work. It’s been hard lately because he’s been so aggressive about what he wants when he’s sleepy. It’s is always boob time
@alabama54 There's a book called Nursies When The Sun Shines you could try. I night weaned my 2yo by switching to rocking (after talking about it in advance a few nights). In two stages: first stage was no milk from bedtime til 4am, stage two was 4am til morning. Now he only nurses at naptime and bedtime.
@alabama54 FTM of 11m. Offering solidarity and wanted to tell you what I just did to at least let me sleep without a constant boob ornament. We went full extinction at night. I stayed at my in laws and let my husband handle it. It was a very difficult decision but a week later our nights are great. He is totally able to get to sleep at night without the boobie. Naps are another story. I’m ok with nursing for naps while I’m able. During the day I’m offering a straw cup and a snack like puffs when I need a little break. My child would definitely nurse 24/7 if he could.
@missbennett That’s what I’m thinking might have to happen. He’s breaking my heart at night. I’m pregnant and I need him to be over boobs before the next baby comes. I already feel bad that he will have to share me with all other sibling 😢.
@alabama54 I’m also trying to wean my 19 month old (who also never took a pacifier). It is so difficult! Especially now that he can say “boobies” and lift my shirt. I’ve never heard of fake boobs but I wonder if there’s a pacifier that’s shaped right that would be enticing. I’ve considered buying him a hamster water bottle (not seriously...). Solidarity, and best of luck. Friends have suggested putting vinegar or baking soda on nipples/areolas so it tastes gross. I think I’m going to book a hotel for 2 nights and just throw him and my husband in the deep end 🤷‍♀️
@nhla2 Yes my son does the same. He says Booob and tries wrangle my boobs out of whatever I’m wearing. He will usually try to guide me to the bedroom, he pats the pillow next to him. That’s his sign for he’s ready. He will even hand me my phone sometimes. Idk who this kid thinks he is. When he’s super tired he just tries to rip my shirt off. I’ve gotten away with not feeding him by giving him a heavy meal and letting him go with grandma for a bit. Idk why but only with me he can’t just sleep with me. He HAS to have boob.
@alabama54 😭😭oh my gosh! My youngest just turned 2 this week and he does all these things! Right down to handing me my phone! He says “I want ninny night night” and pulls me down the hall to the bedroom
@alabama54 Is your toddler drinking any other beverage using either a straw cup/open cup/sippy cup?

Not much help here but I didn’t refuse any nursing sessions and didn’t offer either. I’d offer the straw cup first and then eventually my LO just wanted milk/beverage from the straw cup.

This took maybe 2-3 months…

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