Miscarrying or is my baby okay??


New member
Long post and possible TW. Just need to vent and see if anyone else has any advice or has experienced anything like this.

Per my last period, I should be 6+6 today. This is my second pregnancy (my son is 2.5 years). About 5 days ago, I started spotting pink. I started to also have some period like cramps. 3 days ago it started to get darker and I had stringy things or very small clots. My doctor wasn’t responding to me so I had a private ultrasound done. They measured the gestational sack at 6+5 (I would’ve been 6+3 this day so perfect).

2 days ago it was steadily red and had small clots. Nothing bigger than a nickle but typically not that big. It also wasn’t filling up even a panty liner per hour. But of course I was freaking out so we went to the ER. They did a scan and all that they told me was that they could see the gestational sack but that it was sitting lower than typical. The dr wanted me to reach out to my OB to schedule a follow up since he wasn’t a professional in that field.

My OB’s nurse didn’t reach out to me until yesterday evening and said, per my OB, they wouldn’t change my appt so I won’t be going in until June 14th. And that “I should be 7-8 weeks at that appt” and the OB also didn’t tell the nurse whether everything looked okay or not either.

SO… obviously I shouldn’t be 7-8 weeks in a month when I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow. I’m extremely confused, anxious, scared. There’s only one medical group in my town so no other doctors will see me as they “can’t steal patients”. No doctors in surrounding towns have availability much sooner than June either.

I’m still bleeding (still doesn’t fill a panty liner within an hour) and passing small clots occasionally. But I haven’t had any cramps since I went to the ER. I know there’s possibilities of women bleeding throughout the first trimester and everything being okay. So I’m trying to stay positive. But I want outside advice and outlooks also.

Given all of this info… could everything still be okay with my baby?? Does it seem like I’m miscarrying?
@seekerjoea Following. I’m going through the same thing! I had pain too and bleeding/clots. I hope everything is ok with you and your baby, keeping everything crossed 🤞❤️
@seekerjoea Have they been giving you pregnancy tests? I think if you are miscarrying the hormone levels would be dropping and would result in a not pregnant result. Maybe take tests every day until your appointment. They sell packs of 50 at target, not sure if there is one near you. Not too expensive either. But at 7 weeks you should easily test positive even if it’s not the best test on the market
@seekerjoea I experienced similar with my 3rd born. I can’t speak on the low gestational sack, but I can say I bled through the whole first half of my pregnancy. I was about 18 weeks along when it finally stopped and I have a healthy almost one year old now. I had a hematoma(which is super common in early pregnancy). Which just causes light/moderate bleeding including clots at times. I suggest calling the OB again and insisting they see you sooner since they have your gestational age recorded differently than you. That’s really odd, and they shouldn’t be refusing to see you. Early intervention is the only way to prevent issues, if there are any. But a sub chorionic hematoma is totally normal and won’t need help if that’s what you have happening. The OB needs to order their own scans to get something more accurately recorded. If the sac is implanted near your cervix that can cause complications down the road, and that’s the only thing that seems possibly relevant based on the ER’s findings/lack of knowledge.
@seekerjoea I had the same thing but mine was very dark color. It was so scary. I was 5 weeks and called the my OB and they saw me immediately (that is very awful that yours will not and strange). But my OB said it was implantation bleeding and nothing to worry about. She also said for herself she bleed red blood for months with her pregnancy and she has a healthy baby. My spotting lasted a couple of weeks - I took it really easy until it stopped and now I’m 20 weeks! Hope this makes you feel better
@seekerjoea I would call a different OB.. I worked for one. if we had a woman who had a positive pregnancy test and started bleeding we would see them immediately..
@seekerjoea Same! Subchorionic hemorrhage- bleeding at 5.5 weeks. It went away but the hemorrhage still shows on the ultrasound. OB told me it’s nothing to worry about and I may bleed more. I’m with you- 7 weeks today. And I agree with others, You need to fire your OB. I was asked to get an ultrasound the very next day when I called with bleeding. Hoping you and baby stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.

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