Miscarriage or not? Advice needed


New member
Hi y’all. I had an 8 week loss in February (triploidy) and after my beta went to zero my dr cleared me to try again. We got pregnant again before my period even came back. I’ve been getting positive tests for 8 days now, with the strongest yet today, but I have had bleeding, (brown, dark red, one clot) this morning. It’s more than spotting but not super heavy - think the start of your period before the flow really turns on. This mornings frer had lines of equal darkness. Is there a chance or is this definitely a miscarriage? Confused because I didn’t think you miscarried until your lines started getting lighter. Any stories either way?
@tammyl They should be able to see a small sac in the uterus now. If nothing in the uterus is found, they wait a couple of days and check again. Still no sac, suspected ectopic :( be safe! Take care of yourself ❤️
@adoptedwatcher I don’t think you’re right that they could see anything this early. Usually 2000 HCG is the earliest and at 4 wks and change she’s probably at least a week away from visualizing anything on ultra sound, but she should indeed start getting at least betas tested to know if they are rising appropriately.
@eliquinn This is what the hospital said when I went in with suspected ectopic. My hcg was 618. They said it was too early at 4w 5d with those #s to see anything and rule out ectopic or not. They MAY have seen a smudge in uterus, were surprised to see that, and that was enough that they said they wouldn't suggest I come back before 11 weeks unless I start bleeding a lot or have shooting side pain again.

I did have three hcgs before that with funny numbers and side pain but the side pain was attributed to a UTI they found when I went to the hospital at that point.

So, not worth panicking if you see nothing at 4 weeks and change quite yet.
@eliquinn A quick google search says a tiny empty sac can be seen between 4-5 weeks! I know my fertility team that is taking care of my newly discovered pregnancy is going by this rule. After 5 weeks there should be a yolk inside the sac as well. By 6 weeks a fetal pole and even a heartbeat can be detected. My tube ruptured at 6 weeks last time. Just trying to save someone from the same horrible experience
@adoptedwatcher "Can be" is super key here. Even at 5.5 weeks it can be hard to rule in or out, I only know because that is when I went in for an early scan to rule out ectopic and it could not be. And this was performed by a licensed tech not the dr, not the ER.
@tammyl The only way to know for sure is to do a set of betas two days apart to see if your HCG is rising appropriately. If your betas aren’t dropping then it could mean ectopic. That’s what happened with mine - started bleeding at 5w5d but my betas were still rising so I needed to do mtx.
@tammyl I miscarried at 8 weeks. It started with 2 days of brown spotting when I wiped, that eventually progressed into needing a pantyliner, then dark red spotting, then needing a pad, to having normal red flow with clots and cramps. (So spotting and bleeding for almost a full week before mc)

I had a very strong positive line when I checked a pregnancy test two days after my mc. Pregnancy tests measure hcg in your body, and it can take 2-6 weeks after a mc for hcg to be undetectable with a pregnancy test.

You doctor will tell you to get blood work to measure your hcg levels by the number, and then another test two days later to see if hcg levels are increasing or decreasing.

If you’re pregnant, hcg levels double every two days. If you’re not pregnant they will be the same or decreasing. (My levels were 2,000 two days before mc, and 200 two days after mc)

Basically, a pregnancy test will not tell you if you’re miscarrying or not. And spotting can be normal if your cervix was irritated by sex or exercise.

If spotting persists or gets heavier/redder rather than going away then it’s not normal.
@tammyl I would ask for HCG beta testing from your doctor if you can’t get an ultrasound. That way they can see if your numbers are doubling. If they are slow that is possibly indicative of a MC or ectopic