Milk production peaks after 4 weeks?! Am I stuck with supplementing? :(


New member
I read some articles saying that “milk production peaks after four weeks”. I’m 3w2d pp, and I’m still topping off with formula/donor’s milk. I put myself on a strict pumping schedule—plus tandem breastfeeding, plus 2x/day power pumping.

I produce about 80mL of pumped milk after nipple feeding, then about 90-100mL after only pumping. I pump every 2-4hrs for 30mins.

My twins can down 60-80mL each per solo bottle feed. Am I stuck with supplementing? Is it really true that milk peaks at 4 weeks pp? Do I still have time at 3w2d pp?

Really wishing I can still increase my supply. I had a tough first 2 weeks pp and breastfeeding was physically unbearable

Edit: I am open to supplementing as plan B, but the costs are pretty heavy :(
@lemonbalm I can give you some tips

The number one way to increase your milk supply when pumping is to increase how often you pump.

Sometimes your breasts may still feel full after baby has stopped nursing. You can try pumping or hand expressing one or both breasts after each nursing section to ensure that your breasts are completely empty. That signals your body to begin producing more milk.

Over time, pumping after nursing can lead to an increase in the amount of milk you produce throughout the day.

To get the most milk when pumping, you can pump both breasts at once. To make double pumping easier, use a pumping bra. These bras are made specifically to hold breast shields in place so you can be hands-free.

You can combine double pumping with cluster pumping if you’re trying to increase your supply or build a stock of milk in the freezer to keep on hand.

Remember to consume enough calories and to stay hydrated by drinking water and other clear liquids. Being properly nourished and hydrated can help you to maintain a healthy milk supply.
@lemonbalm If milk production peaked at four weeks than how would any baby get enough as they continue to grow? Milk production is a demand and supply business. Do your best to pump after feeding to increase stimulation, even if it’s just ten extra minutes. Eat proper, increase protein, drink a boat load of fluids. I would easily drink a litre while nursing and at least 1-2 in between each session. I could not leave the house without water. And try to rest when you can. I know that last piece of advice is hard but now is not the time to do other things. Just be with your babies and throw in a load of laundry when you can. A good feeding and life routine will keep you and your babes less stressed because everyone will know what to expect. I could literally tell you exactly what I was doing at 9am on a Tuesday when the kids were 4 months old lol!! And if you have to supplement the so be it. Do not worry about it or it will have the opposite effect on your production.
@lemonbalm Please google supply and demand feeding.

Milk production is hormonal in the beginning but after day 4-5 it's solely supply and demand. The more you supplement the less you'll make. The more you feed / pump, the more you'll make. The key to increasing supply is to do more frequent feeds / frequent pumping. It's a bit of a seesaw when you're supplementing. Or a slide. If you go too far down (supplement too much), it's really hard to climb back up / get on top of the demand.
@lemonbalm That’s absolutely not true. For me the first 6 weeks were the hardest with all the cluster feeding and feeling like I wasn’t producing enough. But I must have been as plenty of wet and dirty nappies as well as babies putting on weight. It got easier around 8 weeks as I produced more at this time. Tips that worked for me for upping milk production were drinking plenty of water, eating spinach and eating fenugreek (but apparently that doesn’t work for everyone). Just keep at it, the number one thing you need is perseverance, even when it feels like it’s not going well. Just keep going, it gets better!
@lemonbalm If you’re in the US, Costco membership is worth it for the discount on diapers and formula. I don’t know if it’s still the case, but Costco formula was really good quality 5 years ago.

I drove myself crazy trying to pump. I wish I hadn’t. I’d have had so much more time to hold my babies if I hadn’t been hooked up to the damn machine.