Measuring 2 weeks behind?? Anyone have this happen?


New member
Yesterday, I had an ultrasound. Thinking I was 8 weeks and 2 days based on LMP, and getting a positive preg test on Jan 9.

During the vaginal ultrasound they said baby looks good, fetal pole, yolk sac, obvious flicker of cardiac activity and heart rate of 103. The only thing was the baby was measuring 6 weeks 4 days.

Had my levels drawn on Jan 24 they were 6500. Levels drawn again yesterday and they were 115000. I am so confused and terrified. The doctor said she hopes she’s wrong and that everything is ok but didn’t seem too optimistic. She said that if this baby was 6 weeks it was perfect. But because of my numbers and positive test on Jan 9 it’s just not making sense.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any information is appreciated.
@castin Sadly whenever I've seen this happen on posts like this on reddit or on Facebook it's never ended well. It's just not possible for it to be viable and so far behind unfortunately.
@castin Yes. It can't be measuring under 7 weeks, that would mean you got a positive test before you even ovulated. From my experience it will slow down and then stop I'm afraid.
@castin First off, are your cycles regular? If not there is a possibility that you ovulated later than you thought. That's what happened to me this time around. Thought I was 11 weeks going in to my first appointment and was measuring 8 weeks 3 days and I am going on 19 weeks, baby is healthy and doing just fine. Sperm can also live in your body for up to five days, so the day you think you conceived may be off a little. Just things to think about. If you are really worried, they offer a genetic screening called the NIPT test as early as 10 weeks that can let you know about any genetic abnormalities.

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