Measuring 1 week behind


New member
According to LMP, I should be 9 weeks today. However, this pregnancy has been too “exciting”, and every week, I go in to have an ultrasound which then leads me to a follow up scan with the radiologist. OB has always had a hard time finding the embryo and twice now, OB said I should prepare to miscarry. Last week, OB even suggested the pill and a D&C. I wanted a second opinion and asked for radiology to check.

Radiology finds the embryo, heartbeat, and says things look “good”, but it always seems to be measuring about a week behind my LMP.

Should I be worried?

It’s gotten to the point where I stopped checking all the baby development apps because idk even where I should look. Adjust the projected due date? Or just leave it be.

Guess I’m just not finding this as enjoyable and it’s been filled with the wrong type of “excitement”
@peytonfl00 Oh gosh no! I was a week behind LMP and it was all chalked out to be that I ovulated later then expected that kinda thing just happens. I’m now 16w3d pregnant and past the second trimester

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