Marginal cord insertion


New member
I’ve never made a post here but I always read them . Today I went in for my 20 week scan and it wasn’t what I had hoped I’ve been on google for 6 hours and I am so afraid . I was told I have marginal cord insertion and they will need to see me back in 8 weeks. I didn’t even know how to react and k feel like I missed so many key questions what should I ask my Dr I am going to call
Tomorrow all of my baby’s measurements were normal but this is just scathing me so much I feel
Sick and I don’t understand why :(
@stew930 I had the same situation at 24 weeks. I was diagnosed with marginal cord insertion at my OB, but the baby was measuring normal. So they weren't concerned and wanted to do a follow-up ultrasound in 4 weeks to make sure the baby is still measuring normal at 28 weeks. I have my appointment next week. I didn't have marginal cord insertion in previous ultrasounds.

But the thing is I went to my usual MFM appointment at 25 weeks and they told me there's no marginal cord insertion and I have normal cord insertion. They told me there's no concern and everything is looking good.

Weird. But I'm not worried because my baby is measuring normal. There's only a future concern and they'll monitor the baby either way. The only concern with a marginal cord insertion is the baby not getting enough nutrition through the placenta, which is not the case for you I believe. Your baby is fine.

Edit: 28th-week appointment is a usual routine check. If you're concerned, convince them to have an ultrasound in 4 weeks.
@stew930 I literally got the same news at my 20 week appointment yesterday. My OB was pretty nonchalant about it; she said that alone wasn’t really a huge deal and it’s just something they have to monitor. She says it’s fairly common…