lower back pain @night 16 weeks w/ twins


New member
Someone please give me advice! I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant (my first pregnancy) I’m having twins and the last few nights I’ve woken up with lower back pain. It usually subsides once I put a pillow between my legs and lay on my side but not always. Does anyone have any tips or tricks on how to resolve or avoid this? I was thinking maybe it is my matress but I’m defeated at this point and have no idea!
@newluthfi I’m 21+1 and my sciatica started to bother me around 5-6 weeks. I found a brace that was a life saver for sciatica pain, it’s based on pressure points and I am amazed at the difference it made. Luckily my sciatica pain has significantly died down but when it’s there, it’s on. However, sleeping is another story, doesn’t matter how I lay I’m uncomfortable and usually have a pain somewhere around my waist, lower back, hips, etc. I ended up buying a pregnancy pillow, it’s shaped like a “U” so it gives you support on both sides and still allows you to throw your leg over part of it. Between these two items my pain is significantly better than it was. If you want more info in the brace feel free to message me, I swear by it and am happy someone suggested it to me.
It will get better, hang in there mama hugs
@newluthfi Get a pregnancy pillow. I sleep on my left side with a pillow under my back to support the arch part of my back and one between my legs. Make sure the pillow between your legs is all the way up to your crotch. Get another pillow to lay your arm on.