Low Papp-a


New member
I'm 14/40 with my 1st, and just found out I have low Papp-a. Not drastic, but not mild either. The team are really reassuring and I've seen people who had it with no problems at all. But obviously, my head... Anyone got any reassuring stories please?
@geoffe I had this with my first pregnancy and everything was just fine. They recommended aspirin daily and I was sent to a MFM doctor for a detailed scan around 24 weeks. I also had extra growth scans weeks 28, 32 and 36. They offered induction at 39 weeks which I accepted and my daughter ended up being over 8 pounds and perfectly healthy!

I actually just found out my PAPP-A for my second pregnancy is normal and am kind of sad I won’t get the extra scans ☺️

For the most part it’s nothing to worry about and you are closely monitored just in case.
@geoffe I had low papp-a and was given low dose aspirin and extra growth scans during pregnancy. Baby was fine til the third tri, then he dropped from 50th percentile to 8th, with an abdominal circumference of 2nd. Other than being small, everything was fine, just had extra monitoring. The placenta started to have some concerning blood flow measurements at 38 weeks and I was induced at 39 weeks. Baby was 8th percentile, vaginal delivery, and other than needing a little help to get going with the whole breathing thing when first born, he was and is perfect and healthy. Placenta had calcification and apparently looked like a 41 week placenta though only 39 weeks. Not sure if the papp a measurement was a precursor to all that or not. Apparently it's not even measured any more in NZ for 1st tri blood tests, so who knows! There's so much they can do if things do start to go wrong, and more than likely everything will be just fine.
@geoffe While I never had low PAPP-A, and haven’t yet had a client with it, I heard from a midwife that most babies grow just fine and don’t need any interventions when the mother has this.

Of course you need to consult with your care professionals on this, but also realize that PAPP-A levels are a bit like a weight measurement: simply taking a measurement doesn’t tell us much about you unless we have other information.

For instance, 140 lbs is a good healthy weight for me at 5’ 7”. It would be an obesity concern, however, if I were 5 feet tall.

Keep sending love to your baby, good thoughts and good vibes, and trust your body and the process, as your body does what it is designed to do. Oh - and make sure you get enough magnesium and vitamin K-2 to support good circulation. 🩷😎