Low 1st beta


New member
Today I'm 15DPIUI and my beta came back---at 26 😭. I'm so worried I'm going to miscarry. I was so optomistic b/c I got my positive Digital at 11dpo--and while my lines have been getting darker its been slow. Idk how I could have gotten a positive digital Friday and still only have a number of 26 today.

My nurse said she's seen lower numbers that turned out to be viable and we'll seee what Thursday looks like but I'm just so sad. My last two months I had chemicals and my lines never progressed. I got my hopes up b/c I had some progression this time around.

Anyone else have a low beta experience that turned out positive?
@taxidermy I’m only commenting to hope to boost. My HCG at 11dpo (first true positive) was at 12 and my next draw at 14dpo was also 26 :/ I go back tomorrow to get a third draw. So I’m in your boat. I’ve searched all over and have found positive and negative stories and I’m torn what’s going to happen with me. I hope it all turns out beautifully for you love.
@tgn123 Even tho they are low they still doubled--which is a really really good sign. Fingers crossed for you that your number doubles again! Please feel free to keep me posted. Today was my 1st draw---I really wish I had just gone to a lab on mine own Friday ugh.
@taxidermy I’m crossing everything that when you go back in yours more than double and you are blessed with a sweet little bean❤️ I’d love an update if when you get the chance.
@tgn123 I wasn't gonna test today, but I started cramping and got scared --so I tested expecting to seee my lines go faint. But my cheapie and FRER got much darker. I'm trying too take it with a grain of salt as I know its tomorrows blood draw is what matters but I'm gonna hold onto that hope---that maybe this will be viable.

Any update about your beta draw? That was today right?
@taxidermy I don’t want to be a Debbie downer for you, but I’ve watched some videos on other people experiencing things like this as well as TTC after loss because it makes me feel better and a few of them said the same. Their tests got darker while going through it. I really really hope that’s not the case for you and your blood results are beautiful.

I don’t get off work for another 40in minutes and I’m going straight to the lab after that so I should know within the next 2 hours
@tgn123 yea I'm thinking it isn't gonna end well but too seee it not basically go away gave me some hope. I already asked my nurse about next steps if not viable soo I can prepare for that.

Good luck! OH I'm really hoping for a great number for you. Please keep me posted!
@tgn123 My level dropped to a 10, so I'm losing mine as well. Go in Monday to confirm they are negative and then will jump right into the next cycle. I have 1more cycle in me before I take a long TTC pause.
@taxidermy Any chance your dating is off at all? I'd be cautiously optimistic as by 15DPO your HCG should be higher. Of course one number doesn't matter but I've had 3 chemicals and they all started with low HCG for what DPO I was
@desiredname zero chance. I'm a single mom by choice using donor sperm. My cycle was monitored by the RE and I had my IUI on ovulation day. Technically 26 is in the "normal" range for my DPO but it just seems SO low. My nurse said I could have just implanted late but I'm preparing myself for the worst.