Looking for Support/Hope


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Hi! Second time mom here. First baby nursed like a champ. I loved it and it was so easy and a great bonding experience.

I just had my second baby a week ago. She apparently wasn’t nursing well and lost too much birth weight. We were told to start supplementing after trying to nurse with a bottle. I have been pumping but still need to use some formula.

I’m feeling very sad about not getting that special time with this baby and guilt about not being able to. I’m tired and she’s very sleepy still. I’ve called the lactation consultant at the hospital today and scheduled an appointment at the local lactation foundation (though that is two weeks away).

This is what I plan on doing to (a) up production and (b) encourage nursing. Any other tips/support would be greatly appreciated.

a) I’m upping my fluid intake and including electrolyte drinks (pedialyte and coconut water). I’m taking herbal supplements and eating oatmeal with flax and brewer’s yeast. I’m also trying to pump as often as my baby eats.

B) (and this is the part I’m having lots of trouble with) I’m trying to take advantage of the times baby is more alert to try to nurse. She may latch on for a few quick sips but doesn’t stay on or if she does, stops actively sucking. The problem is she isn’t alert all that much right now.

I’m also trying to feed her some of the bottle, then having her nurse before I continue with the bottle. But the problem is that she doesn’t stay on.

Anyone out there have a similar issue? Did it get better? Were you able to start nursing again? If so, how did you do it?

Thank you so much in advance for any advice/ support.
@tfosria Baby might have a tongue tie that makes it hard for her to stay latched. Try using a nipple shield to make the boob more like the bottle, might make a big difference. And I think you’re right to try her at the breast every time so she stays familiar with the concept while you get it figured out. Good luck!
@wheelmanpeace The nurses at the hospital said she had a minor tie but nothing that concerned them. We asked the pediatrician about it and she seemed to not favor fixing anything. However, depending on what the lactation specialist says in a couple of weeks regarding it, my husband and I will absolutely consider addressing it.
@tfosria Get a second opinion on that for sure. Many pediatricians don't believe a tie has anything to do with the baby's ability to nurse. Hang in there! I second the nipple shield route if baby is ok with a bottle but not nursing.
@tfosria I had almost the exact same situation with my LO. She was such a sleepy baby that she didn’t nurse enough and that contributed to a low supply from me. I did a lot of what you’re doing, and also worked hard to make sure she stayed awake while nursing. Stripping her to her diaper, tickling her feet, and when she was REALLY refusing to stay up, wet washcloth to the face. I had to wake her up at night to nurse, too. First every 2 hours, then every 3 hours.

It did get easier though. By month 2, she was much more alert and my supply was improving. By month 3, I no longer had to supplement at all. She’s 9 months now, EBF with pumped bottles at daycare and nursing at home, and she went from the 11th percentile at her lowest (born at 55th) to being at the 67th percentile now! It’s
@tfosria Im using sun flower vitamins! We too struggled with weight for awhile. Screw supplementing unless you want to. You don't have to do anything you DON'T WANNA DO.

My son was born 8/15/21 7lbs 14oz. He didnt gain weight until 9/22. When he finally gained 3 lbs. That was after I changed diet started eating more fats. started taking the sun flower vitamins. the sunflower vitamins make the fat not as sticky.

@henrymann Sunflower seeds are a good source of beneficial plant compounds, including phenolic acids and flavonoids — which also function as antioxidants.
@tfosria For B, you might try stimulating let down before she latches. That way the sucking she is doing is immediate pay off for her. I had a sleepy baby I had to supplement some and this helped baby connect the sensation of nursing with lots of milk.