Looking for some feedback - postpartum support


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Hey Mamas! My wife (mom of 2, doula, midwife, masters in exercise physiology, master in nutrition, and health coach) and myself (chiropractor, functional med doc) are in the process of creating an online course to help Moms with their postpartum journey. It will cover fitness foundations of the pelvic floor and walk all the way through to mindset, self care, mindfulness, stress reduction, etc. Ultimately it’s for moms that need the support, love and care to increase confidence and build a sustainable routine in fitness and health in their postpartum journey. We are looking for some help with the following:

Our question is, What is the biggest challenge in your postpartum journey that’s holding you back from regaining your self confidence and or getting back to a balance post baby?

If possible, to really help us build the best online course, please take 1 min to fill out this survey for us? We really appreciate the help! https://link.apisystem.tech/widget/form/xNNvvZiJiH9G3QDA1BMp
@targettarget Yep this .

If there was more societal support and there wasn't the pressure of going back to work so soon after birth, then there would be more time for postpartum progress.

If you're American, reach out to your local and federal government representative to pressure them to build a social safety net. Paid family leave for at least 6 months, childcare assistance covering a larger swath of people, etc.

Honestly don't need more blogs preaching at us on how we should work out and eat better, when we're running on fumes. We need tangible, societal change.
@sello Time. I can’t work my high stress job, take care of a baby, my other child, the house, have a social life, sex life, and love my husband, family and friends. I’m doing everything poorly and sex and romanticism is gone.

Also, pelvic floor is torn up. It’s the only thing I make time for because if I don’t my stomach hurts.
@sello Education about hormones and how they affect our bodies and postpartum recovery (things men should be educated about too). So many women have no libido after a baby and it’s totally normal. Some feel major guilt and men take it personal that their breastfeeding partner can’t put out.

Honestly there’s already so much information about postpartum but if there was information provided (and required) to pregnant women upon conception we’d understand how our bodies change during and after pregnancy.

I say our medical system has failed us and the government needs to be better about providing healthcare for women. (American)

I read a book called the postpartum Depletion Cure during my second pregnancy because my first pregnancy resulted in PPD/PPA symptoms. If I had known about this book prior to having my first child I could have better prepared myself for the worst case scenario. Most women have no idea that it can take anywhere from 4-10 years to recover from their first pregnancy.
@sello Not losing postpartum weight despite doing all the same things that once worked before pregnancy. Not understanding how to rebalance whatever might be off balance and causing the weight loss resistance.
@sello Injury. Baby is sleeping through the night at 6 months but lax tendons/ligaments and an old knee injury mean I don't know how to work out like I used to

Also, nutrition with having less time to meal plan and prep