Looking for feedback about going to Pre K (US)

We have kept our 4 year old twins at home because day care would be basically the same cost of what my wife would make going back to work, plus the added risks of them getting sick with various things.

We are now trying to plan for Pre K.

Our local public school system only offers full day Pre K.

I think it will be an easier adjustment since both twins in the same room.

They are potty trained – with our assistance (with climbing up the step stool to sit on the potty for example). They've never use a bathroom outside our house.

My son still naps for 2 hours a day. My daughter naps for maybe an hour every other day. They've of course never napped outside of their toddler beds and the school does do a nap time on cots.

We have several months until September. What questions or things should we be looking at or starting to work on with the kids? I've emailed the school with questions but haven't heard back yet.

@veritasinhabitum Unfortunately I don't have any advice but I wanted to send my sincere jealousy that they still nap at all let alone two hours! My now 4 year old boys dropped their nap right after their 3rd birthday which made a year of covid all the more entertaining.

Kids adapt very quickly, we never thought ours would be able to wear a mask at school and they do it every day now. I would think it is unlikely the bathroom and naps would be an issue 6 months from now. Congrats on shipping them off!
@veritasinhabitum Hi. My 4 year old twins started preschool in August when they were 3.5. They had been home together the whole time. My kids started out together for the ~3 weeks in August, and then moved into separate classrooms in September for the school year. They’ve thrived in separate rooms and I’m glad we did it early so they’d be prepared for kindergarten, which in non-covid times separates twins. We had noticed ways they were relying on each other (she was less verbal, he’d speak for her; she has better motor control so he’d give her things to open/manipulate). My kids were hit or miss nappers at home but nap easily and consistently at school. They really go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing. If you’re able to go for a visit, it would be helpful to give them something to look forward to. Or even to meet with the teachers over zoom, show pictures. My kids knew enough about school from their older siblings that when it was time to drop them off, they didn’t even look back. They were so excited to not be “babies” anymore and become “big kids” that had a routine of their own. Good luck! I’m sure they’ll do great!
@veritasinhabitum My twins just started Pre-K this year. It is great. I highly suggest it. Unfortunately, due to COVID cutbacks and regulations, our Pre-K was changed to half days, so I can't speak much towards nap time situations.

I would say to really talk up school and get them excited about it. Make a big deal about buying backpacks and getting a first day outfit. Read them books and watch shows about it - I suggest The Pigeon has to Go to School" because I love those Pigeon books.

They will love school. It has really shown me what a team we all are when raising our kids. School teaches them a lot of things I forget to, so it works out so well.