Looking for dads of families who love exploring and learning!


New member
Hi dads! I (without disclosing too much) run a startup in the travel space with emphasis on travel, learning, adventure, and fun. We are looking for dads who love exploring and traveling, and would love for you to participate in a 30-minute research interview. You will be able to shape the direction we take, and at the end we will fill you in on the exciting project we are working on! Sign up: https://l.linklyhq.com/l/1iFtz

We are looking for any dads in the US, Canada, U.K, or Australia. Bonus points (but definitely not required) if you:
  • Have kids aged 7-13
  • Love exploring/adventuring
  • Do significant home education (or homeschooling)
On a personal note, my co-founder is my brother, and the idea was closely developed with our dad, based on experiences we had as a family when I was growing up.

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