Looking for C section experiences


New member
I’m 35 weeks pregnant and have been lifting pretty heavy consistently throughout my pregnancy. At an ultrasound I found out my baby is still breech. While I’ve been told I have time, I’m not very optimistic. I went through years of infertility then IVF and finally pregnant. My optimism is non existent at this point so I’m trying to prepare for all scenarios. What was your C section experience and how it impacted your training and body postpartum?

I don’t have any examples of lifting moms who had a C section in my life. Everyone in my life who has had one has attributed C sections to ruining their body and stomachs and has very negative feelings about them. I’m having serious anxiety about the recovery and never feeling back to myself again (including getting to my pre pregnancy fitness level). That feeling has been the hardest part of pregnancy for me and I can’t imagine feeling continuing indefinitely. I haven’t gotten “used” to it as people suggested I would. Thanks in advance for any helpful feedback!
@praskovia I had a c section for my breech baby and I did IvF too. I loved having a c section. The healing process was no joke, but once I got my six week checkup I started right back where I left off. I would see a pelvic floor PT to get evaluated for diastasis prior to return to exercise. I lifted and ran throughout my pregnancy.
@praskovia My sister is a 2x C section mom who lifts! She continued strength training all throughout pregnancies, her recoveries were both night and day easier than people I know who don’t stay active, she does a core restore program for the first couple weeks and then gently reintroduces strength training once cleared by her doc. At 4mo PP she is back on her progressive overload program and back in the muscle building stage, feeling strong and stable. She is my inspiration haha
@brightmn87 That’s great to hear! It’s all so intimidating and there’s so much negative attitudes about your life being over with a kid. And a lot of people don’t understand enjoying being physical so if you care you’re vain or selfish or people just tell you it’ll all end because you won’t have time so prepare for that. Talking to people in person has typically made me feel worse 😂 plus my job is very physical and I’m in a male dominated field (I’ve been on modified duty for pregnancy) that I’m so worried I won’t keep up again.

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