Looking for books covering tons of topics, avg newborn temperatures, when and how long to swaddle, tips and tricks


New member
Looking for reading material on tons of random topics for a newborn like the title says. E.g. My mom used to go straight to the ER when temps went up, and my dad would suggest waiting it out. When u get to the Dr. they’d say wait it out tripple digits aren’t unheard of.

Anyways looking for something to read through with tons of informational topics.
@marlovesjesus I’d go to your bookstore and read through to see what you like. There are a few I liked - what to expect the first year, cribsheet are two that I liked. You can also find a lot of stuff online but of course they will vary slightly in their recommendations (ie stop swaddling at 8 weeks vs when they show signs of rolling etc)