looking for a 2 way "baby monitor" or walkie talkie type thing since my 18mo and 4yo are getting their own room - recs?


New member
We're moving from our 1br apt to a 3 bedroom house, so my 4yo and 18mo girls will have their own room for the first time! It's right across the hall from ours, and I also got the 18mo a larger bed since I'll likely still spend part of the night sleeping w her, but I'm planning on spending part of the night in our own room as well. Our current place is so small that if either girl makes any noise, I can hear them from anywhere I am, but new house is 3 floors, w bedrooms on middle level, so I might be above or below doing dishes or laundry or whatever and need to be able to hear if they wake up, and also respond to them to tell them I'm on the way.

I definitely need to be able to respond to them, and 2 parent units would be nice so I could have one that stays in our room, and one that I can keep downstairs and carry with me through the living room/kitchen area. Video would also be nice, but not a requirement.

I could only find video ones that have multiple cameras, not multiple parent units, so right now the best I've found is this vtech monitor that seems to check all the boxes besides video, it seems to have good reviews.

Does anyone have experience with the vtech one, or recommendations for other monitors? Or any other set ups you have used - I was thinking maybe just getting walkie talkies or something but unsure what to do
@d2ra0yz1on5 Baby cameras and other tech stuff geared specifically for what you're looking for are quite pricey. However, there are a ton of good indoor/outdoor security cameras that will do exactly the same thing a baby monitor will do. Also they often have the ability to hold memory, which a traditional baby monitor won't do.

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