Future FT SAHM and looking for things to get me & baby out of the house at little to no cost

@apsseeker I second this suggestion! It was a real lifesaver for us especially when I had a second baby and a toddler to keep busy. The Meetups were laid back and fun for the kids and moms.
@summer63 Our rec centre has a drop in stay and play for a couple hours in the morning 3 times a week. It was free if your baby was under 2. The school also has a program called strong start that runs daily from 9-12 that's free for kids and parents 0-5. Worth looking into school and rec centres to see if yours have something similar
@summer63 I bounce between 2 libraries, one is further away but I love it because it’s quieter. We also do the park. The pool and I enrolled my kids in swim lessons but do ISR but regular lessons, I think I made a mistake not doing ISR.

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