Liletta, give me hope y’all!


New member
Listen, I just need some reassurance that even though I seem to be getting all the side effects possible that there’s hope everything will even out in the end.

I have been spotting for 3 weeks straight, so bloated my pants don’t fit, crazy heat sensitivity/hot flashes, emotional rollercoasters, cramps after sex, irrational thoughts, mood swings, lots of crying, insane bouts of hunger, breaking out, decreased lubrication and sex drive and more!!!

I need someone who experienced similar in the beginning but stuck it out to tell me that this does eventually get better or even out. The whole reason I got this was to have sex without stressing about pregnancy and my periods are intense, but right now the period is not looking so bad. I’m not feeling very sexy lately 😭
@chalykin hi, I'm coming up on month 7 soon for Liletta! I had a lot of similar side effects in the beginning the worst was the severe cramping, mood swings, and heavy bleeding 😭 I feel like I started to "even out" around month 5? I do still have a few side effects (specifically longer periods/spotting) but everything else has calmed down!! Hang in there and try to take care of yourself on the days when it's harder to deal with the side effects- I really hope this helps 🥺🫶🏽
@owll I really wanna say thank you for this! I was in some kinda state last night haha! 4 more months of this sounds insane, but it’ll be worth it if it helps with my periods even a lil bit. Thanks for your kind words 🖤