Lightweight Infant Car Seats

I was looking at lightweight Infant car seats (the Graco weighs 7 lb instead of 17 lb for their other models). I'm concerned about aggravating an old shoulder injury lifting and carrying a heavy carrier. My concern is that the safety rating for the Graco lightweight carrier is so much worse than their other models!

Does anyone know of a lightweight carrier that still has the added safety features? Or should I not worry about the weight?
@baltazar Wow that’s awesome! Did you end up needing to take all the pillows out as they grew? I removed the low birth weight pillow of course, but I’m not sure if the others are meant to stay in forever or come out too!
@baltazar Ohh that’s a really good idea. I was stressing about buying two convertible car seats! Didn’t think about just basically using the Nuna as an in car one until she’s out of the size range for good!
@wisdom08 Ii opted for a rotating one and it’s great, i baby wear when out and about. Looking forward to baby being big enough to sit in a stroller, but I’ve never wished I had him in a stroller instead of wearing him (yet).
@occanondenomchurch I remember spending so much time comparing car seats to find the lightest one, and at the end of the day, it just doesn’t matter. A 7lbs car seat with a 5, 10, 15, 25lbs kid inside is just heavy.

If I could go back, I would 100% get the Doona. Any car seat will feel heavy lifting it into the car. The hard part is lugging it around/ getting the stroller out so you don’t have to carry them.
@cankosker Really? Isn’t the Doona almost $600? I’d be more willing to spring for it if it wasn’t so expensive. After baby outgrows it at 10? months, you’d still be purchasing a regular stroller. Now you’re paying $600 for infant seat/stroller + $250+ convertible car seat + $300 regular stroller.

Not to mention that as a stroller, the Doona looks sup par - there’s NO basket (my #1 reason for bringing the stroller anywhere is the storage), the baby is extremely low to the ground compared to other strollers, no shocks/comfort ride… I mean if you are JUST using it to get baby in and out of car, then I guess. But in every other instance I think I prefer a regular stroller with an infant bucket seat (or just a regular seat)
@cankosker Car seats are the one thing recommended (and I adhere to this) to not buy second hand, especially if you don’t know the person you’re buying from. Way too many variables that could jeopardize the safety
@richking58 Oh for sure. I would never buy a car seat second hand. I also would never sell a car seat that had been in a wreck or that had been washed/sanitized with unapproved chemicals. But there’s plenty of people that will buy them second hand.