Less feeds with my (suspected) teething 4m/o?


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I’ve noticed over the past few days my baby has been more dribbly, irritable and his hands are always in his mouth. Today has been the hardest day of all because he has hardly fed and when he does he screams and throws a fit. He has been having wet nappies though so he must still be getting enough (somehow). Is this normal teething behaviour? I have given him some teething gel which has a mild effect on him. He doesn’t want my boob, pacifier, teething toys and he has had hardly any sleep today. Help!! Also how long does this go on for?
@atoastysnowman YES! My son started teething at 3.5 months and suddenly hated his binky and nursing. He started by drooling, hands in his mouth constantly, and eventually comping down on bottles and my poor nipples. He’s 4.5 months now and two little teefers have popped through at the bottom
@atoastysnowman Don't know if it's normal for teething, but definitely normal for a 4 mo, I would say. My 4 mo old and my friend's, who are the same age, started to have this behaviour almost the same day 😂 mine was born with one tooth which started to grow around the same time. Hers isn't teething though.