Leaks just starting, 7.5 months, advice?


New member
Hey all! Been CD since about 3 months— we use AIOs, mostly LPOs and grovia. With grovia, we get the occasional leak and use boosters, with LPO, we’ve never gotten leaks— until now! The past couple days, we’ve gotten a couple really big leaks, often down the inside or outside of the leg. Are these compression leaks? Baby is long and lean, so fit around the waist is kind of hard to gauge sometimes. Or is she just getting older and peeing more and maybe we need to start using boosters in the LPOs too?

Just looking for some insight from some seasoned cloth diaperers! Thanks!
@keris My baby out peed LPO all in ones at the same age. There is just less absorbent material in them than in the equivalent pocket diaper . I sold them, and bought more pockets instead.