Lanolizing wool


New member
I just got a set of wool covers for my baby and am excited to try them out! I lanolized using modified lanolin (I think this process removes smells and changes the color- not sure if it makes a difference when lanolizing). The covers have dried out and they feel, well, lanolin-y. It feels slightly sticky to the touch, as though a bit of lanolin comes off on my fingers. Is this how it’s supposed to feel? Have I used too much lanolin?

Other questions: does it matter what type of lanolin I use (e.g modified or natural)? Is it worth investing in a lanolin rich wool wash?

Thank you!!
@dsilvain Yikes. I think I over lanolized 😱
The directions for the Pooters wool diapers says 1 tablespoon. I wonder if they meant teaspoon 😬
The wool cover is drying now so I’m uncertain of the final result but I’m nervous!
@acutebendigogal That does sound like a lot! I’ve lanolized a few times now and never used more than a teaspoon, often less. You’ll probably just have an extremely well lanolized cover!
@dsilvain when i lanolized mine it didn’t feel sticky to me and worked fine. you really don’t need more than a pea size in a normal bathroom sink of water.

what i did notice was that one time i didn’t warm the water enough so my lanolin was a bit blobby soo i had some sticky spots that eventually came out after some use.

edit: i used the natural type.
@dsilvain I also just washed and lanolized wool for the first time last week and that’s exactly how mine feel! I read that it’s okay, they will just be extra water repellent until it rubs off a bit. My bub was just born today so I haven’t been able to try them out yet.

I used the lansinoh lanolin meant for nips, I saw a YouTube video where they used it and it turned out okay. I’m following this post though to see if anyone chimes in with more / better info!
@hopefulandfree Congrats on your new bub!! I used the CVS brand lanolin because they were out of lansinoh. It does look a little different from the lansinoh- it’s paler in color and stiffer. We’ll see if it works…
@dsilvain I don't know the difference between modified and natural.

If it is sticky, you either over lanolize or did not have enough emulsifier, BUT good news is that it doesn't matter. Breastfeeding mind use lanolin on their nipples before nursing newborns, so a little on their skin is not an issue unless they are sensitive to it.
@sarahdosher Thanks! I followed some instructions which told me to use a teaspoon of lanolin. It looked pretty well emulsified (cloudy, no lumps). How much lanolin do you use?