Lab Results Meaning?????


New member
Estradiol- 55pg/ml
Follicular phase-12.4-233
Luteal phase- 22.3-341

TSH- .436

FSH- 9.3 mIU/mL
Adult Female:
Follicular phase 3.5 - 12.5
Ovulation phase 4.7 - 21.5
Luteal phase 1.7 - 7.7
Postmenopausal 25.8 - 134.8

LH- 22.9 mIU/mL
Adult Female:
Follicular phase 2.4 - 12.6
Ovulation phase 14.0 - 95.6
Luteal phase 1.0 - 11.4
Postmenopausal 7.7 - 58.5

Prolactin- 5.5 ng/mL
8 - 23.3 ng/mL

Testosterone- 30 ng/dL
8 - 48 ng/dL

DHEA SO4- 117.0 ug/dL
84.8 - 378.0 ug/dL

Vitamin D- 37.7 ng/mL
30.0 - 100.0 ng/mL

A1C- 5.7
4.8 - 5.6

AMH-9.90 ng/mL
Females 20 - 25y: 1.23 - 11.51
Median 4.70

Can someone help me understand this!

I just got a message in Mychart stating for me to start metformin 500. What are you're experiences with this med.
@james6771 The numbers given to the right are the normal ranges. All of your numbers fall within the normal range for the follicular phase, except that your TSH is a little low (you are a little hyperthyroid, according to this test), and your prolactin is also a little low.

As far as I'm aware, low prolactin is not generally considered problematic. Your doctor may or may not want to talk further about your thyroid.
@mcg1102 Thank you for replying. I was a little confused too as most everything is within range. I just wish I can figure out what wrong with me. Haven’t had a cycle in almost a year.
@james6771 Ah, in the context of not having a period for a year, the LH level is a little suspicious. Typically, your LH would only be that high if you were nearly ovulating.

Depending on your other test results, you may find yourself discussing PCOS with your doctor.
@james6771 If you ovulate, you'll get a period (or get pregnant!) If you don't ovulate you won't have a true period, but you might get some breakthrough bleeding.

I know with my PCOS my body would gear up to ovulate a few times before it finally did. Sometimes it didn't make it over the hump and I didn't ovulate.
@james6771 Provera will bring on a period so you don't have a years worth of old lining in your uterus when the egg tries to implant.

If you aren't ovulating on your own, the doc will probably give you either Clomid or Femara on the 3rd(ish) day of your period to cause your body to ovulate.
@wintmed Do you think it’s dangerous for me to take the clomid? Like what if I won’t be able to to it on my own in the future because I took clomid? Or should I just try to lose weight??? That’s what my doctor suggested!
@james6771 They only let you take Clomid like 4-6 times, after that 1 study showed a slight increase in the chances of ovarian cancer. As far as I know it won't impact your body's ability to ovulate on the future (if your body ever does).

Losing 10-15% of your body weight is said to help if you're overweight.
@james6771 I've taken Provera many times. It's just synthetic progesterone; your body would normal increase progesterone after you ovulate then, if you're not pregnant, it would decrease. The decrease triggers your period.

I didn't notice any negative effects from it.
@james6771 Your levels look like you’re about to ovulate and are normal for the most part. A1c is borderline normal-elevated. Do you know what phase of your cycle you’re in? Do you have regular cycles? Any weight concerns? What has your doctor said? The AMH is normal but higher levels can also be associated with PCOS, which, in combination with that A1c, could be concerning. I’m an endocrinologist and interpret these labs all the time, but I don’t know your history/background so please take with a grain of salt. You should really speak with your doctor regarding results.

ETA: the TSH is slightly low but without a thyroid hormone level (FT4), can’t say you’re actually hyperthyroid.
@phillipgainey I havent had a cycle in almost one year. Next month it'll be one year. I also am 220 lbs and 5'4". I am obese. My doctor told me all of this could be because of my weight as well and If I lose weight I may not have to take the fertility meds. Im waiting to hear back from her office. I just got the results on mychart. I dont think I have gotten my FT4 results back yet. Thank you so much for replying.