Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

@kickthichphattiren689 It is & you’re the only one who said that. I would never make such a statement. Anyone could get hit by a car tomorrow. Or die any manner or ways.

I clearly said “vegans live on average ten years longer.” Ditch meat & live another decade” is a gross oversimplification of what I said. As if you totally skipped over the “on average” part.
It is & you’re the only one who said that. I would never make such a statement.

This is an exact quote of yours:

Vegans live on average 10 years longer. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

ETA: It is scary. And it’s avoidable to get a dietary caused cancer.

✨Just don’t consume certain meats.✨

This is, in fact, implying that the nonconsumption of certain meats is the direct reason that vegans live on average 10 years longer. You are, in fact, making “such a statement”.
@klad I actually limit my meat intake for both that and environmental reasons, and when I do eat meat, it's typically chicken.

So yeah, no shocker on that one.
@yoshichicka Hand sanitiser is way overused IMHO. It's great for germs, but soap and water is great for germs and dirt and chemical residue and pretty much everything else you'd want to get off your hands on a daily basis. Yet people use hand sanitiser because it's quicker, despite it being like chewing gum instead of brushing one's teeth.
@kickthichphattiren689 I worked with a woman who didn't wash her hands after going to the toilet because the water in the bathroom was cold, so it "wasn't hot enough to kill germs" - she used hand sanitiser instead (and only a small amount, not nearly enough to truly sanitise her hands).

Everyone bitched about her behind her back but I straight up told her that it's not the heat of the water that cleans your hands, it's the soap and the action of scrubbing surfactants over your hands.
@daxy24 I worked retail for years. This would bug me ONLY because 9/10 there's an option to email the receipt. Like just let me email it to you. This probably wouldn't be an option at a grocery store, but places like CVS most large clothing stores have this option.

Plus it saves paper and creates less waste.

If you don't like spam emails I HIGHLY recommend making a "initials or name"shops @ choice of mail.com

It keeps your inbox clean and lets you sign up for birthday rewards and can find receipts easier!