Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

I’m terrified for the pregnant part not so much bringing the child up. I’m scared how I’ll feel all day I have to work and I’m scared the symptoms are going to be too much. What should I be expecting ?

32 never been pregnant
@hopefulchristiana Congratulations!
You are more than 2-3 weeks pregnant.
Take prenatal - look for DHA, folic acid (minimum 400mcg), keep hydrated and go day by day. Schedule an appt with an OB.
I am 5w5d and have sore boobs, that is the only thing. Had some cramping at 4w3d.
@hopefulchristiana The earliest you can find out is 3 weeks. I found out when I was 3w3d because I was tracking my ovulation accurately.

However I’m assuming you’re going off of the clearblue weeks indicator. If that’s the case you need to add two weeks to whatever number they gave you 2-3 weeks is 4-5 weeks like the other person said!
@casaway i’m currently thinking i’m 3w & 3 days, my test came back negative but i’m 100% sure i got yk what in exactly on the day of ovulation 😭 ( im not planning for a bby it just happened ) but a week after it i’ve been getting nauseous here & there & hateeee the certain smells of thing.. i walked outside at work & literally almost threw up i didn’t know what it was, a few spots of blood here and there but not a lot at all, & my breast have been sooo heavy & nipples have been literally BURNING here & there 🥲 my period is in 5-6 days tho so maybe it’s just that? some times it’s comes 1 days early sometimes a day late!
i also usually have tender breast around my period, feeling is a little different this time but it’s definitely common for me
@raz325 If these symptoms were pregnancy related then a test would be positive. For now it’s just related to progesterone. However, you have plenty of time to have a positive test
@hopefulchristiana Fear totally normal and reasonable. I'm pregnant with second child who is very much wanted.

I'm still dreading the sleepless nights, the demands, all of it....

It's absolutely worthwhile IMO and I can't wait to see my family grow. Still crapping myself though.

All these wild and opposing opinions coexist within me.

As for symptoms, don't worry about what might happen. Handle it as it comes. If it does. You might not get any. Whatever happens though, you'll get through it. And when you have that baby, any pregnancy symptoms will pale in comparison. Children bring so much joy too.
@hopefulchristiana Congratulations! Everyone is different so it’s hard to say what you may experience. But commons symptoms are nausea, fatigue, dizziness, food aversions, bloating. Start taking a prenatal that includes folic acid and DHA and make an appt with a OB (or midwife). You’ve got this!
@hopefulchristiana Welcome to the club 😄

I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant. I was 6 weeks and some change and it was completely unplanned. I’m 26 so it’s a bit younger than the image I had in my head of becoming a mom. After a couple of (confusing) weeks of deciding whether or not to go through with it, I had a moment of clarity in feeling that I would regret it more if I decided to abort.

I was going through thoughts like I still had a lot to experience in life, but I suddenly thought it selfish of me to abort for a couple more years of “living life”. I decided that for me, living life to the fullest was experiencing everything- including pregnancy.

I still get nervous but thankfully you have 8/9 months to adjust. Your body is seriously equipped for it, and your brain will start adjusting to the fact as well. It’s a crazy phenomenon !

You have a great community here. Reading here has also made me more comfortable and has solved a lot of my problems and doubts
@hopefulchristiana As others have mentioned, the experience is highly variable between people and can even vary for the same person in different pregnancies. My first two were super easy pregnancies without any nausea. The only hard parts were just being uncomfortable in the last 4 weeks, but I still worked until the end with little issue. My current pregnancy has been more challenging with much more fatigue and nausea. I'm now 17 weeks and it's only now starting to improve.

Good luck.
@hopefulchristiana It tells you how far you are past ovulation/conception. Typically you ovulate (depending on your cycle) about two weeks after your last period, and doctors count your pregnancy and figure your sue date based on that last period. So you’re actually 4-5 weeks along.
@hopefulchristiana 33 pregnant with my 1st. I'll be 12 weeks on Tuesday. Now that I'm almost in my 2nd trimester, I am starting to feel a little bit better and more myself but still get nauseous and light-headed later in the day. Now that I know that I'm having a babygirl, the extra rise in estrogen makes so much sense why I felt like garbage the last two months. Month 1 and half of month 2 was hands down the worst. I genuinely wondered why the hell do women put themselves through this and on more than one occasion 😂

My primary symptoms is the EXHAUSTION (it's like whole other level of tired that you can't shake. I'm struggling because I love caffeine and I wanted to avoid it completely in the 1st trimester). You'll be wanting to nap a lot. Then the nausea comes with either bad food aversions you've never had before, on top of having cravings but sometimes unable to eat what you're craving. Smells and certain foods would make me gag terribly, but never to the point of vomiting.

Bad bad metallic taste in your mouth is also common. You'll need to up your water intake but water tasted so nasty to me so my saving grave was lemonade or put sliced lemons in your water. Sour, citrussy flavors combat that weird metal taste in your mouth.

Headaches and light-headedness. I'd force myself to stay hydrated and take naps, but because of the increased blood flow and hormones going out of whack, it's something I still deal with in the late afternoons. Acetaminophen is safe during pregnancy, but I've only taken 1 pill so far and that was when I had a migraine. When my head really hurts, an I've pack on my head or neck really helps!

I suggest cold green apples from the fridge! That was one of the very few things I could stomach and also taste good in my 1st 3 weeks of pregnancy lol

Congrats and good luck! Reddit saved my butt during this pregnancy so far, knowing so many women were dealing with the same things lol
@hopefulchristiana For me, it was all day nausea starting from 7 weeks ish, vomiting once or twice most days, and everything smells so bad. furniture and clothes even. The nausea and vomiting started going away for me from 10weeks onwards, but i had to get prescribed meds for it and still felt sick daily and threw up sometimes.
@hopefulchristiana I’m 14 weeks right now and this is my first pregnancy. Make sure your taking your prenatals, Vit d3 and omegas. Drink plenty of water. If you get nauseous eat something even a snack, it actually helps oddly enough. Also stock up on ginger tea also good for morning sickness or just feeling off! I like brew mine then chill in fridge it’s so good icecold!

Luckily my morning sickness wasn’t too bad, my mom’s wasn’t bad either. If your comfortable you should ask your mom how it was for her because chances are it will be the same for you.

Make sure you have comfy clothes and give yourself a break your hormones might be a little wild so try not let yourself get worked up. Just do what you can do and eat what you can tolerate. You might get a little bloating but it will shrink back down close to 2nd trimester.