Just experienced my first twin fall


New member
H fell off the couch while I was attending a crying P. H cried for 1 minute then we finished dinner. The boys are sound asleep now.

I did the google search and he's not symptomatic of anything. It still scared the hell out of me. What can I do aside from never put them on the couch again?
@jaydee13 I honestly don't know how many times our girls fell off the bed once they learned how to roll. Unless you see some sign of injury or you saw them land on their head or bend their neck awkwardly or something, I wouldn't worry about it. They are extremely resilient.
@jaydee13 9 months was about the first time I had a twin fall. She just jumped off my lap as I held the other one. She was fine and now she's two. Still no signs of brain damage.

Kids learn, but yeah, you never leave one high up on their own. Otherwise, shit happens and everyone's okay, yeah? They'll be fine.
@jaydee13 My twins are 18 months and there is a bad fall like twice a week. And scary fall, like one time from a high chair. If they can't bend a limb or start throwing up, look lethargic- then its emergency room time. Fun fact, emergency rooms give the kiddo a fun pack full of toys/crayons!
@brokenwingrobin Thanks all for your encouragement and advise. My wife gave me a scolding, but the boys are fine. They passed a clean bill of health at the doctor's visit today. Above average height and weight, which is a bonus for premies
@jaydee13 Mine climb the couch for 10 straight minutes... on separate sides of the room. I sob while saying "Daddy is only one man, pleaseeeee" but that just makes them laugh and do it more. Good exercise. They've fallen on tile, wood, carpet, table edges. Only time I worry is when there's a goose egg and he/she falls again in or near the same spot. Otherwise, stay strong, fellow dad!