Just a vent post. Sorry. I miss my 3 y o son


New member
I have a wonderful 3 y.o i love him dearly and latley i feel like weve been bonding more then usual. Our time together is amazing. No matter what we do and i just cant help but feel fulfilled and happy when he says papa i love you. So its been really hard on me latley having picked up more responsibilities at my job. I work 6 days a week usually mornings but because im not with his mother (her cheating, and being pregnant by someone else) it makes it extremly difficult to have him on days when i work. I tried to talk to her today and she just completly gaslit me. Said i was being selfish because i have him 2 days and she doesnt work the next 5 days so she wants to be with our son on her days off. How is that even fair?? I asked her if i could pick him up tommorow. Ie thursday which originally was part of my 3 days with him. Monday teuaday and thursday. And she says its my fault for picking up more days. I asked her if i could pick him up after work friday. She said no because he has an appointment in the morning and if i want him i should call off of work and take him to his appointment in order to see him. I told her all i want is to be a good father and to love and nurture and teach our son but she just says im selfish and need to workout my work schedule. This sucks. I spend my days just thinking about him trying to distract myself but i cant. To know hes growing up without his father is killing me. Hes growing up so fast and i hate not being there. I hate thinking that hes missing me or that hes wondering why im not there. And i dont know what to do. We dont have a court order. Financially itd ruin me to lawyer up and fight her in court and being that her family is wealthy she can and would just keeep taking me back to financially drain me and it wouldnt make a difference to her. I just miss him. I dont want to fight or havw a bad relationship with her. It took me a long time to forgive her but i have and now im just happy to be his father and be slowley healing. But this blows. She recently tried to get back with me. (While pregnant by another man) and asked me if ide ever be able to accept her and another mans child. I dont hate her but honestly ive moved on and dont love her anymore. And i just want to be happy. I was with her for 10 years and forgot what it was like to be me and be happy and now since i said no i feel like shes doing this to get back at me as some sort of revenge. Even tho i use to beg for our little family and she blew me off. And now just because she found out her new bd is a peice of shit that lied to her about eveeything she says she regrets everything and if i want my son i can go out with him and her. Man fuck this. Im sorry. This is real ranty and all over the place. Just felt like venting. Life isnt fair sometimes. I just wish i could catch a break. Especially when it comes to my son.
@godfavorservant There’s no use talking to someone like her outside of things like “when is drop off today?” Or “hey I’m running late, be there in 10 minutes”. Are you in the US? Google parenting plan orders and fill one out and submit it. She will then be promoted by the court to fill out her ideal parenting plan. Then a mediator will bring you two together to hopefully come up with a compromised plan that works for everyone. If you can’t agree during mediation, go to court. You sound like a great dad, keep going.
@godfavorservant I fought and won.

Dad of two under ten. I even get child support.
It can be done. My ex is not crazy, an addict, or any such.

Being "financially ruined" is temporary. Losing your son's childhood is for real.