Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!


New member
Hey fellow WTT-ers!

I've read 3 WTT/TTC book (Impatient Womens Guide to Getting Pregnant, It Starts With An Egg, What to Expect Before You're Expecting) & Im halfway through Expecting Better.

With this research (& the internet), I"ve figured out my anticipated needs Vitamin wise & compared them to multiple Prenatals and tried to find the best quality with a reasonable budget. I also have a normal average period, with no indication of fertility issues.

Feel free to critique, share your own secret diamond brands, or take some of my own ideas for your own! Let me know if I helped!

Prenatal: MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Multi, 60 day, $57 or w/ 15% recurring discount : $49 (81.6 cents/day)

Iron: MegaFood Blood Builder Iron 26mg, Folate 680, B12 30mcg, 180 tablets, 360 days (Im cutting these in half), $45 or w/ 15% recurring discount : $39 (10.8 c/d)

Vit C: Vitamin Shoppe Vitamin C 1000mg, 600 tablets, 1200 days (Im cutting these in half), $37.99 or $34.19 (w/ 10% Rec Disc) : ( 2.9 c/d)

D3: Maxx Labs drops 2000IU w/ 15mg K2, 900 servings, $23 (2.5 c/d)

DHA: Now DHA/EPA 250mg each, 120 servings, $9.31 (2.5 c/d)

CoQ10: Q10.1 Ubiquinol 100mg, 210 servings, $24.95 (20.8 c/d)

Choline: Now Choline + Inositol 500mg, 100 servings, $9.19 (9.2 c/d)

Total cost/day:
Other: 54.3 cents/day
Prenatal multi: 81.6/day
Total: $1.36 dollars/day

These #s are with the cheapest discounts (largest quantities w/recurring discount if possible) ON THEIR RESPECTIVE WEBSITES. You can definitely find cheaper on Amazon but I want to avoid fakes & unreputable sources & Amazon in general.

Edit: absolutely laughing my ass off at all the downvotes, I love you reddit, you crazy wildlings. Keep it up 🤣

Edit edit: I guess this was too Type-A for even the baby-planners lol. Keep up the recommendations guys! You're amazing! Im so proud of you!
@jasonvr My doctor told me never to take iron without a blood test confirming anemia. (So …I got a blood test and it confirmed anemia.) I don’t know whether it’s dangerous for you to double up like that.
@khan1123 I appreciate the feedback! I'll be sure to talk to my dr beforehand!

Keep in mind, I only intended to take half of the iron pill instead of the full one, so it'd be 13 i think of Iron but still good to consider! Thanks you guys!
@nathanielames What is it about iron!? Same!

I took iron once and immediately had incredibly painful nausea/vomiting. My GP was actually pretty upset I took it without telling him and said “don’t do that again unless I tell you that you need it!” Sheesh! But the side effects were horrible.
@jasonvr Curious about why the extra iron, D3, and vitamin C beyond the prenatal? Are you starting all of these pre-pregnancy? I know I've heard it's common to need more iron while pregnant but I think I'm going to stay away from it unless I test low, because it seems like it often causes constipation. I haven't seen a lot about D3 or C.

For now I'm just planning on taking a prenatal and a fish oil or omega 3 supplement. I was thinking about CoQ10 but it's kinda pricey so I think I'll hold off. That will give me something to add in later to feel like I have some more control if I don't get pregnant right away.
@watchdogofgod Thanks so much for sharing your plans and asking questions!

Vitamin D is systematically lower in the average American, and although 30mins of sunlight a day gives 10k IU, I dont want to be stressed about being too busy for a walk, or during the winter months. Depending on who you go by, the aim can be for around 2k with a Max of 4k.
Studies have also been shown that Vitamin D for Men effect the child's height and health years after birth, even just starting at preconception! Which is super cool!

I didnt include my husband's vitamin aim yet but it's about the same.

Vitamin C: the aim should be 500mg, according to It Starts With an Egg, there's only 100mg in the prenatal, so I'm cutting the Vitamin C 1000mg in half

Coq10 is definitely pricy! Im relieved to just use 100mg for now, we have the financial ability to use it for now so I'm looking forward to the experience!

Iron, I'm going to try the Iron for 30 days and see if I can integrate it, fingers crossed!
Edit: I'll also talk to my dr about the iron beforehand c:

@jasonvr I use FullWell Prenatal, Vitex, Womens Probiotic, and Nordic DHA. I supplement Iron a couple times a week because I’ve dealt with anemia in the past. FullWell is recommended by a lot of fertility nutritionist.
@jasonvr I take the MyKind Organics prenatal, which has basically everything I need in it except DHA. I started taking Nordic Naturals algae oil DHA supplement, but it was expensive, so I decided to hold off on that until I’m pregnant.

I tend to have low iron and vitamin D, but I had my levels checked a couple of months after starting this prenatal, and they’re back up to normal levels, so I feel confident I don’t need any extra beyond this, which is great.
@dichthuatsaigon Nice! Looks like I'll need to do a bit of added research on the iron as well. I know I dont get enough protein, so I feel like it's a self-fulfillinf prophecy I'll need the added iron anyway lmao.
@jasonvr Get a blood test to confirm. I'm a 20+ year vegan who gets plenty of iron from my diet - lots of things have iron (eg any dark green vegetables), not just "protein".
@jasonvr I love Garden of Life, I did my fair share of prenatal research and cycling through them.

So I do Garden of Life Prenatal, Nordic Naturals DHA, Vitamin D, Vitamin B complex, Magnesium (menstrual cycle support) and Garden of Life Probiotics!
@jasonvr I've been taking Bird&Be power prenatal for eggs (recommended on their quiz because I'm 30).

It ends up being $1.98 (Canadian) per day with subscription. It's a daily packet with 6 pills. 2 prénatals to cover all your basic vitamin needs including iron, vegan DHA, CoQ10 with PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), and 2 antioxidant pills.

I think if you're younger, or haven't experienced trouble conceiving they recommend fewer vitamins, but I'd talk with a dr.

Only downside is that 6 pills is a lot, and they can upset your stomach if you don't take them with a meal.
@yakuda I appreciate your feedback!

It's cool to hear someone with a similar plan!

My plan is to space out the pills, I think the Vitamin D is also drops so that helps. I actually have a plan for taking them as some vitamins are better to take together and some are counter intuitive.

I've read prenatals/iron ones can help to take at night.

The antioxidant ones are good too! Reminds me that I forgot to mention I am also going to have 2 servings of kombucha a week to help with a healthy gut!

So many cool ways to help your body be healthier. Definitely stuff I should have been doing way beforehand. My mom is super into vitamins so that definitely helps c:
@jasonvr I've read the same books too! I did so because I have had irregular cycles and wanted to know what was best for me. I am going to start a prenatal supplement routine soon and am looking at the best combination for me.

I've tested deficient in D3 before I moved even further north so I am ALWAYS making sure I either am outside for 20 minutes, eat fish, or take my supplement. Outside of fertility, D3 is really good for one's health and more research is showing it to be really important. It's also really difficult to take too much D3.

My planned regime is that I will subscribe to Perelel prenatals and supplement with a couple herbals (vitex and a myo- and D-chiro-inositol blend as they have worked for me thus far) as well as take a probiotic. Oh, also eat eggs to make sure I have enough choline.

I'm trying not to supplement on extra vitamins too much outside of what I'm susceptible to be deficient in.

Perelel prenatals for all five trimesters: https://perelelhealth.com/collections/shop-all

Herbal blend: currently taking vitex and
Might transition to a different product by Eu Natural but it is missing D-chiro-inositol and I'm not sure if it is a good idea to take that away