Jeans to Help Kids Who Struggle Buttoning Their Pants

@zc17bills im probably not gonna have a popular response, buut, really? it is not that hard to be a parent and work with your kid to help them button their own pants.... serioulsy. THIS is why todays generation are spoiled, selfish, incompetent brats. "oh, its hard to button your pants? ok. mommy will make ot so you dont have to do it."
@coachhaack Agree with both. There's a reason my neuropathy kid wore only basketball shorts year round until age 12. But I'm pretty sure he would not have been caught dead in special needs jeans at any age.
@zc17bills Personally, I don't get it. Young kid jeans and pants usually have elasticated waists as well as closures so kids can just pull up and down without having to open. I don't see why there needs to be a specific brand of jeans for this, why not just make the closure and sell it to big companies so there are a variety of pants with it.

Also, what wrong with a slide hook closure? Some of my kids' pants have those and they're easy as. But then, my 4yo can easily button and unbutton regular jean buttons so maybe I don't have the right perspective for these.

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