IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice


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38y/o F, husband 38y/o M ttc 3 years. Unexplained infertility and low amh and “age factor” go straight to IVF recommendation from reproductive endocrinologist. My husband has lower sperm and morphology volume 1.5ml, motility 57%, morphology 3%, abnormal 97% but Urologist and Repro endocrinology “have seen many men produce children with these levels”. HSG tubes clear, all tests are good, low amh 0.069 ng/mL. I am taking every supplement under the sun, Coq10, prenatal, vit d, vit e, selenium, l carnitine, dhea, larginine, zinc… I’m sure I’m missing one or 2. 5’11, 220 lbs, active and working out. No underlying health conditions. 12 follicles on day 4 cycle vag exam during reproductive endocrinology consult. No pcos or endometriosis. 24-28 day reg cycle that last 3-4 days. We are going against the grain and looking into IUI next cycle. If anyone can give me pointers, info…anything. We have the IVF INFO. We live in Florida, health insurance on both parts but no infertility benefits. Out of pocket 23k at least. 2k IUI each cycle. Blessings for information that can help us on our journey. Kristin
@b1inchrist To be completely blunt (as someone who just went through several failed rounds of IUI and is now moving onto IVF), I would not waste time and money on IUI if I were in your position. If the cost of IVF is deterring you, several companies offer infertility benefits (Amazon, Starbucks, Tractor Supply Co), even for part time employees, so that might be worth looking into.
@youngrebornmommy Agreed. We were diagnosed as unexplained and did 4 IUI + one medicated TI cycle (because I don't respond to letrozole apparently) and it was such a waste. We should have done 2 IUI max and then moved on, but our RE sucked.
@youngrebornmommy I am a nurse at a local hospital and it’s saddens me that some of these places we get our coffee or dog food from offer more assistance than others. It’s def a blessing for some but man to work in healthcare and not have good benefits just baffles me. Thank you for this information, I don’t think I’ll be looking for a second job.
@curiouscate I totally agree. Trust me I’ve thought about seeking these part time places. It’s more than just money that goes into the thought about IVF first before trying IUI. HORMONES, Trials it may out on marriage, life adjustments financially and work related for it to possibly work or not…
@b1inchrist I’m in the TWW of my second IUI cycle. If this doesn’t work, we will take a break, if not a full stop from all medicated interventions. It’s too expensive. It sucks.
@cam1987 Thank you for sharing. I know this journey is definitely a challenging one and whatever you and your husband choose to do, don’t feel guilty if you have to take a break. Praying that this 2nd cycle is the one that blesses you with a child. ❤️
@b1inchrist I think it’s so hard because if IUI works, it seems like the best choice; problem is odds are so much lower for success.

We are in a similar situation; 32 & 36, generally healthy, all labs and HSG and SA all normal. Been TTC for 2+ years with not a single positive. We have done 2 unsuccessful IUIs and so most likely will be moving to IVF.
@b1inchrist Well for reference I am doing iui and our only issue is some slightly high androgen levels, my husband has a fantastic counts, I ovulate just fine, I’m not 30 yet and our doctor still said it’s about 15% chance. It’s also a long process. 3 or 4 iui cycles and that’s 3-4 months and between 6k-8k. Then you’re also months behind. Ivf can take some time. I personally wouldn’t wait and just into ivf.
@monicawinter I’ve been through IUI; started before 30, have pcos but every other thing is working fine; husband has great numbers (he could be a donor); after 6 months of IUI/hormonas…nothing.
We’re having our first IVF consultation end of this month and hopefully starting the next cycle.
@b1inchrist Have you looked into CNY Sarasota? They just launched that location but IVF there is much less than $23k. The standard package that includes meds starts at just under $6k and then it’s a little bit to store embryos and $995 per additional transfer. The package comes with a fresh transfer as well.