IUD experience as a 16 y/o


New member
So I am 16 and I’ve been dating my bf for three months now. I went to the gynecologist today, because we wanted to use a different kind of birth control than condoms. Note that I’ve never seen a gynecologist before. So today I went to the appointment. I talked with my doctor and I said that I didn’t want anything with too strong hormones or side effects, so she recommended an IUD. As I am currently on my period, she suggested we insert it right here and there. I agreed. She did some swabs first, which didn’t really hurt. Then she used a local anesthetic, which hurt a bit. She then inserted the IUD (the small one for younger women without children). It hurt really bad for a few seconds and then it was over. Now I’ve been having cramps that feel like period cramps all day long. They hurt, but not so bad that I need to take a pain med or anything. I just wanted to share a positive experience on getting an IUD, because I’ve read lots of horror stories on this topic. Please note that I live in Switzerland, so my experience might be different from yours. Also, excuse my bad english.
@mwallie Your English is fine! :)

Glad it all went well. The cramps do subside after a day or so. I found a hot water bottle/heating pad helped me when I had mine in.
@mwallie okay this made me feel more comfortable i’ve only ever heard bad things about iuds and so i pushed it to the back of my mind! i might get one or the implant